Audi Logo Fell Off TT Quatro

It fell off and there’s hardened glue residue on car. What steps do I take, prep, glue? Thanx.

Which Audi logo? Was it held on by double-sided tape only?

Clean the old adhesive off with rubbing alcohol on a terrycloth towel. If it doesn’t do much, the previous owner may have used a more aggressive glue and you might have to carefully sand it off with a 800 grit paper on a rigid block.

Before you get too aggressive with the old adhesive, try heat. If you don’t have a heat gun, try a hairdryer to soften it up. Go slow and work your way up so as not to damage the paint below.


Or have a body shop do it.

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Spray brake parts cleaner onto a rag and wipe on the dried glue until it’s all removed from the body and the logo.

Purchase some 3M trim tape of the proper width and thickness for the application.

Apply the trim tape to the logo and trim off any excess.

Peel the backing off the tape and apply the logo to the body.


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I believe its aluminum…

No it was held on by glue of some kind. An autobody guy re-attached it once before.

The thin 3M tape will work for that.


Have to apply 4-5 strips the length of the logo then scribe out 3 small and 4 large holes. But scribing would have to happen before applying to the car. In any event, the glue on car would hv to be removed first.

Tester. Now yer talkin!

I don’t see where I asked what material is is made of… I did ask how it was held on…

And that is more likely chrome coated plastic…

Buy a new one from Audi and it will have adhesive already applied… most likely 3M double stick tape.

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Good idea. Saves me cleaning the old one. Then if I buy a new car, that will save me cleaning it, too. Wow the ideas you can get here! LOL

That is why they fall off. My solution has always been to install a new emblem, I don’t have time to reglue an emblem for a customer each time it gets knocked off.

That makes sense.

$52 USD here :

$15.99 USD here (ships from California)

While I’m at it… anyone know where to get 2001 Audi TT Coupe floor mats? I found them for $154. (Others are $35 or less but ship from Poland or China).

Oops gotta see if the alternative suppliers include the sticky backing. Apparently they do:

Simple Install: Self-adhesive for simple install
Painless Installation: Just peel and stick, no residue or damage

Aside from the 3M tape, they also make a quality Trim Adherisve that wlll do the job w/o the offset .

If no one has said this yet (don’t remember sorry), I would before cleaning the old whatever held the old badge on, to hold it in place and put some painters tape at least on 2 sides of the badge so you know exactly where it came from, nothing looks as bad as an off center badge or crooked badge… lol