2018 Dodge Ram 2500 - Wire harness question

I have a 2018 Dodge Ram 2500 4x4 with a 6.7 cummins engine. my front tire on passenger side blew out and ripped the inner fender well cowling out , tore my headlight out and tore the wire harness coming out of the firewall. I ordered another one , the only differene is the last 3#s on the serial#. The original one has 144 on it the replacement has 143. it wont even crank over. Do you have the answer to the problem?

Did you buy all dealer parts??

Could have pulled the wrong part, double check your work, check ALL the fuses, not just the ones you think, but ALL them, if all checks out, call the dealer and ask about the part number difference…

I replaced an entire wiring harness from the transmission to the ECM & TCM under the seats including the main harness below the windshield against the dash, well the vehicle would not start, called the dealer and the parts manager basically said oops, they forgot about an updated pigtail that went behind the dash… So it could be an update or older version or whatever..

Sorry you are having this issue…

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