98 Honda Accord Transmission

My local guy says I have a Transmission seal that needs replacement. The transmission fluid is low to gone, but the stuff leaking out looks more like oil. Also, do I have to use the special Honda ATF-Z1 fluid. And if so how much does it take to fill an automatic 6 clininder.

If the transmission’s leaking, the fluid will be red. If it isn’t then it may be a rear main seal leak. In either case, get the leak fixed. Make sure your transmission has the correct amount of ATF in it as well. IIRC they have a capacity of just over 7 qts.; a drain & fill requires 3 qts. Honda ATF-Z1 is the manufacturer recommended fluid for late model Honda/Acura automatics but I’m using Amsoil ATF in my Acura daily driver for a year now and have no issues. Good luck.

Use the Honda ATF-Z1. I think you’ll find it only takes 2.5 quarts for a drain and refill, but you gotta buy 3.

Thanks for the info!

If memory serves, the Honda automatic transmission fluid IS about the color of motor oil.