9 models that will depart in 2020

Maybe times have changed. Pickup trucks certainly have. I can’t imagine an F150 “Platinum” or “Limited” parked in the drive lowering property values too much. :grin:

Told it before but still burns me a little. The house next door was for sale and I had my old Riv in the driveway next to the garage with a for sale sign on it. Realtor comes over and wants to know if I had current plates or not on it. Thought it was causing a problem for him selling the house. I thought if anything it helps, but I put it in the garage anyway. Guy that bought the house hauled shingles and sheet rock for Menards and parked his danged ole gantry truck in his driveway. How about my property value? Plus he’d leave for work about 6 in the morning. He only did it for a couple years though so now it’s normal.

I try to be a good neighbor. Cut the grass, pick the leaves up in the fall, clean the snow around the mail boxes so my neighbors get their mail, and so on.