2021 Jeep Wrangler - Diesel in the gas tank

Tom , why are you asking me ? I don’t know how this persons daughter put the wrong fuel in . They have never returned to say how she did it .

Since he put his personal contact info here you can just ask him.

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I know everyone is in a hurry, hurry, hurry. They see a vacant pump and dive right in, some blindly, some bligthly.
I worked at a station where the diesel pumps were all to themselves on a separate island. The pumps were painted a sickly yellow as opposed to the gasoline pumps vibrant R E D.
Big block letters, D I E S E L , stenciled on high and low and if that didn’t give it away, the overwhelming eye watering stench should have. Even so, everyday someone needed to be shooed away from a potentially expensive repair.

The preventer hole in the filler pipe is only made of aluminum and the determined chicken-without-a-head will jam it in there, trust me.

That is one reason why I never liked having to go out to our Diesel island to service trucks.