2012 Jeep Liberty electrical panel is shot

I have had a jeep product since 2000. I was told by the dealership parts department that I had to replace the steering column because the bluetooth wasn’t working and the controls on the left side of the vehicle wouldn’t work either. The whole electrical panel is shot now. I’m lucky the radio works sporadically now, the same with the GPS system. They both work when they want to. I can not afford a 3000.00 fix and I won’t take it in to be fixed unless the dealership has already been paid because Chrysler says they will reimburse but I have been told untruths before, yet I absolutely love jeeps and continue to get them

Then don’t whine each time there’s a problem with the electrical system.



Two questions:

  1. How does it make any sense that failing Bluetooth would require changing out the…steering column?

  2. Why are you taking a 2012 model year Jeep to the dealer for repairs?

With all due respect, you might need to reconsider your perspectives on car maintenance.

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the bluetooth is on the steering column-at least that is what I was told and since I am not a mechanic i trust them. What do you mean about taking a jeep to the dealership for repairs? What perspectives on car maintenance? You,re saying I should not maintain my vehicle?

susan Kifer

I figure since one pays a lot of money for a vehicle then the car should be right

susan Kifer

No, you’ve misunderstood me.

I’m all for vehicle maintenance. The dealer tends to be the most expensive option, though. A local independent repair shop can often do the same work for a lot less money.

Thank you so much for the input. I really hate to say this but I have found that if I go to a repair place and don"t know what I’m talking about’ the place seems to charge more (being a female plus not knowing what I am talking about does not compute) plus the ONLY reason I went to the dealership was because I thought I was still under warranty. I had my son take my car into the repair shop to test my theory and they gave him a price that was less then what they gave me for the same problem. Not only didn’t the buttons on the steering column not work, the navigation system was gone and the automatic system that turned on the lights quit working and the system where the wind shield wipers turned on was gone also. No lights especially at night is very dangerous. Thus the whole electrical panel replacement.

susan Kifer

If you really love Jeeps, get a real one, pre-smog CJ.


May not cause a problem but it is not a good idea to put your email address on an open web site.
@cdaquila Edit time ?

Are you talking about the instrument panel? Are you talking about the clockspring in the steering column? Otherwise, what you are telling us doesn’t make a lot of sense. The only electrical panel that might be the culprit and might need to be replaced is the TIPM, as noted by @Tester above. It looks like a fuse panel but it is much more than that. It can sometimes be successfully reset. I did this in my 2007 Dodge Ram and it restored a few non-functioning circuits.

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I don’t think she did it on purpose…seems she replied by email. But done!

@cdaquila Yes, I know that she replied by email and all of her posts have the email address .

Thank you for the input. I know nothing about cars so my wording is probably incorrect. The bluetooth went out. I took it to the dealer. It was not covered under warranty any longer. I did nothing because they said something about replacing the thing that makes those button on the steering wheel work and since reading up and reading customer complaints, etc. I have figured out that it may be the TIPM. Now the nav doesn’t work half the time and the radio the same way. I thought I could live without this stuff but I have gotten used to having it but it is what it is.

susan Kifer

It would be great to get a new one but there is a certain thing called money.

susan Kifer

I’m sorry but I trust people

susan Kifer

Trust but Verify .


thank you

susan Kifer

That would be the clockspring/steering column control module.

You were close when you said steering column but it is the steering column control module that the steering wheel switches connect to.

You may consider having that replaced so that your multi-function switches work (wipers, headlights) and pass on having the navigation unit replaced.


Well as they say, stuff happens. Some brands though seem to have more stuff happening than others and my list of cars to consider has really been getting a hair cut. The thing with Jeeps though is maybe just plan on trading sooner instead of keeping them. I liked the Jeep Renegade too but gee made in Italy by Fiat. One guy at the plant said great for 25,000 miles but after that expect problems.

Thank you so much!