Car Cranks But won’t start I have Good Fuel pump and fuel filter , More than enough gas I’m trying to figure why won’t it start up .
Exactly how did you determine that . . . ?
Because you just replaced those parts . . . ?
Because you hooked up a fuel pressure gauge and know the pressure is correct . . . ?
Have you verified spark with a spark tester . . . ?
Have you tried to briefly start the engine with a quick spray of ether . . . ?
My cousin tried and I’ve figured out I’m not getting any spark but I changed all my spark plugs and wires how can I go about getting spark ?
Did you use the correct spark plugs and gap and, more pertinent right now, are the wires routed correctly and firmly connected?
A bad crankshaft position sensor will prevent the engine from getting spark, thereby not allowing the engine to start.
Yes Every Spark Plug and Evey Spark Wire Is In correctly and in the correct area .
Crankshaft position sensor has come up so often in your recent posts, should this be a routine maintenance item?