Newer Gas Cans -are they all as usless as they seem?

Thanks EK. I hadn’t thought of those portable tanks. Great idea for warmer weather camping. (as propane looses pressure in the cold).

A lot of people use a perforated pipe in the fireplace nowadays ,connected to the gas supply(with a shut off valve of course)to get the logs burning in the fireplace.

Yeah I use the fake logs with the gas pipe so lighting it is a matter of flipping the switch.

A splash of strong moonshine (180 proof or better) is a much better fire starter than gasoline, as the flame propagation rate is slow enough to get out of the way. Not that I’d know anything about that…

I find this type useless also and that I also spill MORE fuel that ever before because of these because they seem to leak out.

I have a pretty simple solution. Since you can always find junk push mowers with gas caps that screw right onto a gas can, I always rob the gas caps when I find a mower being junked. I have some of the older style nozzles so I store the gas in new cans with mower gas caps and swap the nozzles when gas is needed.

@ Bing,I was talking about wooden logs,this gets the blaze going ,fast and I seen a setup like this at “Crackerbarrel” and a friends retreat camp.