Can a Minivan be Sexy?

Saw this paint job whilst walking my dog at my parents retirement community. Over 55? Love the USA? Need a patriotic spouse? Here is the paint job for you!

I drove an old Caravan in high school. White with a burgundy interior and burgundy pin stripes down the sides.

The other guys whose parents bought them cool cars would make fun of me because I’d never get any girls in that thing. I would point out that I could get 7 girls in there. :wink:

That aside, yes, minivans can be sexy. Or at least hot:

No minivans are not sexy. Not to men nor women drivers Even soccer mom’s don’t want to be seen in one, they want SUV’s (to a previous poster… minivans are considered trucks by NHSTA)

I don’t car how painted, pimped, spoilered, hellaflushed, jack up, slammed down or generally blinged out. No, they are NOT sexy. Useful, Heck Yes!, sexy, No!

I don’t care about Sexy. am married, have been for years and appreciate a practical vehicle such as a minivan.

I didn t want to be the one to break it to them mustangman

Just listened to the minivan guy. As a woman I’d go for any of the following:

  1. mid-ocean seascape with dolphins and seagulls, maybe a sailboat or two
  2. sideviews, left and right, of a pink (or whatever color) cadillac with big fins, circa late fiftties
  3. wild horses (women love horses)
  4. lots of cats (same reason as above, only he could attract a recluse with a house full of ferals)
  5. dogs (same as 4, only no pitbulls)
  6. heaven scene with Botticelli angels

Things to avoid:

  1. sunset in the desert (especially if minivan is black. I saw a lot of those in the seventies and they’re depressing)
  2. portraits of himself (we know what that means)
  3. firearms, explosives, knives
  4. babies, children, his own or imaginary
  5. His phone number or address, unless it’s with something like ocean scene above
  6. snakes or spiders
  7. The Grateful Dead in concert

Minivans are as sexy as the person driving the car. To me, both the car and the driver contribute to attributes of the driving experience. One is totally dependent upon the other. There is no such thing as a competent race car with an old fool like me behind the wheel. If people think they are buying sex appeal with the car they drive, they aren’t looking in the mirror. If Sophia Loren in her prime was driving a minivan through town, would it be a sexy vehicle ? Bet your asteroid. Therefore, cars and sex appeal are really difficult for me to relate to.

I m afraid the guy you are describing might be gay…