Honda Odyssey motor mount problem

After reading the discussion here I was motivated to try to figure out my 2000 Honda Odyssey suspected engine mount problem. Just happened to be dumping some used oil at the back of the auto parts store and thought I’d ask if they had any engine mounts available for me. Imagine that, they had a replacement part for one of the three mounts. It was the simple one to reach and see at the right side of the engine near the top. Got it home and then tested to see if that was the one broken using the tests described here. It was completely shot. My son and I had it replaced in an hour or two. Took a little finegling but really not to challenging. $50 and our clunk is gone. Next the CV joints which I’m told are probably shot from the engine mount being broke for so long. Wonder how long that mount was broke. I’ve got 185k miles on the van now.