YouTube bad vehicle advice

I have been looking at a Forum that seems to quote someone called ’ The Car Nut ’ . I have not looked at his videos but it seems that he really is off base on many things . Even his checking oil level sounds wrong .

I guess he is supposed to be a Toyota expert .

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A friend of mine sent me a link to one of his videos… yeah, not so accurate.

You don’t need a license to create a YouTube, just a camera. You tend to learn who is reliable or not. Just like car talk but the comments tend to expose those that are unreliable. Before putting the chain saw to work, I tend to review some of the tips but you have to have a basic understanding of the subject area to start with. I’ve been checking oil for 60 years though so don’t need a how to video.

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People who make videos with wrong information sometimes have high popularity just from people sharing it to show how wrong it is. The ranking system is really messed up.

It really is a great source though. I watched a full lecture on the civil war by Gary Gallagher from the u of v. He is a great historian and The expert on the war. Class 1 of an mba program from Darden. All free of charge. As he said, you cannot understand our nation today without understanding the civil war.

The a couple Swedish guys explaining the dangers of a particular method of tree felling shown on YouTube so they felt compelled to speak up.

Just like books, media, and tv shows, not everything is accurate.

There’s probably a ratio of at least 10:1 bad to good advice on youhoo. Some of it is benign, some wrong and some downright dangerous. Unfortunately, you have to have at least some background or experience to tell them apart.

Remember the old joke- They used to say that statistically, an infinite number of monkeys tapping on an infinite number of keyboards will eventually result in a literary work of art. The Internet has since disproven that theory… :laughing: Youhoo is just a visual example of that…


I haven’t seen all his videos, but from what I have seen they tend to be accurate.

Agree. I rarely use a torque wrench and I am not known for being a safety fanatic, but I have seen things on YouTube that make me cringe.

Just because a method has worked, does not mean it is wise. I knew a guy who used to grind up clumps of gunpowder with a pepper grinder. It worked fine…until one day it didn’t.