Why does my car chirp so much?
Thunderbird by chance? Where is the sound coming from?
Or a Falcon?
Sorry but on the really vague info and the fact that we can’t hear it. My best guess is that something between the bumpers is not right.
Or a Skylark.
Eddie, you gotta give us something to work with here.
Year, make, model, mileage, maintenance history?
Under what conditions does it chirp?
Change the serp belt and tensioner.
Even if it’s a brake wear indicator?
You cannot possibly know that this is the cause from the information given.
With all respect, you cannot possibly have thought that was an answerable question with the information you gave us.
…and… perhaps most important of all… from what area of the car do the chirps seem to emanate?
Fast Eddie joined about 9 hours ago and posted several replies to threads that did not make much sense . I doubt if he will return.
Better check the trees in your neighborhood, there might be a Falcon perched in one of them.
LOL, needs a chop job…
It is obviously a Plymouth Cricket.