Forgive me if this has come up before, but several times in the past, I’ve heard Tom address Ray as ‘Frank’. I thought maybe your radio names are pseudonyms, but the other day, I think I heard Ray call Tom ‘Frank’. What gives? Are the two of you the same person in some Norman Bates kind of way?
Also, if you’re not the same person, the only picture of you I’ve seen is in my local newspaper, and I don’t know which is which. Which of you is Cheech and which is Chong?
I think I’ve heard one of them call the other Frank, too. I assume that either Tom and Ray aren’t their real names or that Frank is a producer or other staff person.
But if Frank pulled the trigger in the last puzzler, who’s going to produce the show?
Who’s on first? And speaking of the last puzzler, which I did only as a lead in, Tom and Frank, I mean Ray, are really behind the times in these days of equal rights for women. Don’t you think a female plumber named Frances could have a right to a nickname like ‘Frank’? And was it a male or female voice that told ‘Frank’ not to do it? Things are just not as simple and cut and fried as they were when you were younger. The times they are a changin’ and crimson flames tied through my ears and all that crap.