What's the prettiest name for an automobile?

See? I just make stuff up. Probably was a Desoto. I don’t know what color though since all we had was black and white.

As they used to say in the Certs commercials…
Stop! You’re both right!

Apparently they used both a '55 Chrysler New Yorker wagon and a '55 Desoto wagon on the show.
Script continuity was never the forte of most TV producers in the '50s.


Interesting article. I just subscribed to Hemmings again. I dropped them because it was just too much every month to look at but they made me an offer I couldn’t refuse so decided to try it again for the cold winter days coming.

Yeah, good point. :grin::

Details details but its got a windshield. It just folds down on the hood.

You couldn’t tell? It should have either been black, white, or grey! :smile:

It looked gray but I think it was pink.

Chrysler crossfire sounded okay to me and looked good too, but apparently a nightmare to own based on 2 of my friends. I think they might had been happier with an Aztek.

I had a Nellie Belle pedal car. I parked it behind my parents car and it got squished. My Father pounded it roughly back in to shape and I learned a valuable lesson at the age of four.

The first Sky King Songbird was a Cessna T-50 “Bamboo Bomber”. The second was (I think) a Cessna 310. I remember his Niece wink! wink! Penny.

I don’t remember the plane but I sure do remember Penny {sigh}. I had a crush on her.

And in the Nellie Belle vein, I think Christine is a very pretty name.

Right on both aircraft. The second was a Cessna 310s to be exact.

It brings back memories…
I pumped a lot of tane into Cessna 310 airplanes and most other civil aviation machines one can think of and a couple of antique/classic flying machines and former military ones, Taylor Craft, Air Coupes, Lakes, Cubs, DC3 (C-47), Tri-Pacer, Helio (Courrier and Stallion) Beech-18s, etcetera. I learned to fly in a Cherokee.

I was the preferred crank-starting guy for a Stearman, regularly hooked up starting voltage to an AT-6, and a guy had some kind of a Ryan ST monoplane (low-wing) with an “inverted” inline Menasco engine.

Unfortunately, I’ve even propped some planes. :grimacing:
Fortunately, I still have all my limbs! :smile: :raising_hand_man:t2:

Here’s a few I like:

Lotus Elise
(Buick) Skylark
Mercury Monarch
Mercury Marquis

Just for fun I found a couple Sky King episodes on Youtube last night and partially watched them looking for the station wagon. By the by, Penny I guess died in her late 70’s a few years back. After Sky King, she wrote a book on manners for young people. She said the most important thing was to always be attractive. She was a little too old for me though at the time. I liked Annette.

MG is pretty car name when you consider the alternative… Morris Garage.

There’s something not as pretty with a car name having the word garage in it. It could be taken as a bad omen.
CSA :sunglasses:

Lotus has some good names (in addition to Elise noted above):


No offense, I guess that’s an example of “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder” . :wink:

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The Elise is another of my favorites. It’s been said that “you don’t get into an Elise, you put it on!”. There’s one in my neighborhood… but I can’t get into or out of those cars anymore.

Another of my favorites is the old Europa.

I see you’ve regained your lost “e”

congratulations! :+1:

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