What would you do if the price of the Gasoline went up while you were waiting?

Buy stock.

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At my Costco in Newport News Virginia, where our Foot Long Hot Dogs with an Endless Soda, is still $1.50, displays the prices of it’s gasoline along the station entrance. But you do have to pull into the parking lot to see the sign…

Below is the type of “A” Frame sign they use… The photo is off the Internet the prices displayed do not reflect today’s prices (I wish…). L :grinning: L . . .

Do they still close down the pumps at night? In my area most stations, not sure about Costco, but most remain open 24 hours, even when there is no attendant on duty in the middle of the night. You pump your own gas & pay at the pump using a credit card.

They used to display those signs in my area, but as soon as they changed their policy to “members only”, those signs disappeared… along with the very long lines.

Some Costco stores display the gasoline prices at the store entrance, a reminder for shoppers to fill their fuel tank before leaving.

Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin:

Since we are on the subject of the cost of Fuel…

I want to say Thank You to Krogers Supermarkets.

Krogers issues Fuel Points for each dollar spent in the store. For each 100 points, you save 10-cents at the pump for a one time fill-up. You can accumulate up to 1,000 points (one dollars’ worth maximum at a time…).

No, you do not need to spend $1,000 to get than many points, on Fridays, it’s quadruple points and many products also pay quad points…

Yesterday, I brought my truck in and filled it up using 900 points and that saved me 90-cents a gallon. The average price of Diesel it $3.99 a gallon and I bought mine for $3.09 a gallon, saving my over $17 for the fill-up.

By the way, our Costco does not sell Diesel and you might say that your supermarket (Albertsons, Winn-Dixie, Piggly Wiggly, Meijur, etc…) is so much cheaper, but they are not located here…

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We use the Kroger fuel points all the time also… lol
Only exception is for the hot rod, it’s mainly Exxon or Shell only…

Was $3 last week 5 miles out of town. And $3.40 at store by my house today.

I guess I’m dating myself, but I remember when diesel was half the price of reg.

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Our Costco got rid of the signs, like playing the lotto when you pull up to the pump.

The Costco web site shows the fuel prices for each store location. Diesel fuel price is shown if available at that location.

I have no idea if the Costco I go to sells gas, or where the pumps even are. But menomenee is a nice little town that I haven’t been to in years.

Isn’t the knowledge that their price is the lowest in that zipcode enough to convince you that you’re getting a decent price per gallon?

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My understanding is that Menomenee is in Wisconsin and if this is the place you are referring to then there is no Costco there… The closest is 25-miles east of there in Eau Claire and the price of gas is $3.149 for Regular and $3.859 for Premium. The next closest is 49-miles west of Menomenee in Woobury and the price of gas is $3.149 for Regular (same as Eau Claire…) but only $3.39 for Premium…

But I hear that Stout Craft Company, in Menomenee, has a Sizzlin’ Cajun Jalapeño Burger that will burn your lips off…

In the Baltimore/DC area Giant Foods gives She’ll points to members and Safeway gives Exxon points. I don’t shop at either chain enough to take advantage of that. We shop at Costco, Aldi and Trader Joes.

Look carefully at the map shown. That is Menomonee Falls and I can attest to its location, I used to live there- as well as Germantown, West Allis, New Berlin and some other cities/towns in that area. My mother’s family hailed from La Crosse and Eau Claire, nowhere near Menomonee Falls :wink:

I have no idea what you have written or intend to mean; are you saying that when @Bing wrote “Menomonee”, that he really meant “Menomonee Falls?” Then you should say that, if that is what you mean…

You wrote to “Look carefully at the map shown.” I ask, what Map?

Bing wrote “Menomonee,” not “Menomonee Falls” and I Googled “Menomonee” and Google listed that and only that. And I subsequently listed Menomonee in the Costco location map it showed there was no store there and the two closest ones were just east and west of Menomonee…

I have now Googled your “Menomonee Falls” in Wisconsin; if you include the “Falls…”

And I did check for a Costco there and 'lo 'n behold, there is one there (not that you posting made that clear at all…) and since your posting also did not mention the price of fuel there, I will…

On 25 Mar 2024, at 3:25 PM EST, the price of fuel was $3.299 For Regular, $3.999 For Premium, and $3.499 For Diesel

And getting back to the “Map” I checked the distance between the “Menomonee Falls” and “Menomonee” (without and Falls…) and they are over 260-miles apart or about 4-hours of driving… So, again, what map am I supposed to be looking at that would show every Costco between the two.

Please show us, Inquiring Minds Want to Know…

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That town is spelled Menomonie. What we have here is a failure to communicate!

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When I looked at the map that Nevada_545 posted, I only saw, “Milwaukee” and not the smaller reference to the town “Menomonee Falls” listing for the location… So I did not know what map TwinTurbo was refereeing to… So I guess this is definitely a situation of “To look and not see” and “To write but not say…”

I also plead a bit of ignorance as this was the first time that I ever used Costco’s location finder to find a Costco (since I know where mine is located and I did not know that if you clicked on the pin, it listed the price of fuel…).

All very interesting… Now this Inquiring Mind Knows…

Sorry, I’m actually reading the entire thread and took it for granted you would understand that I am referring to what has been posted when I say “look at the map shown”…

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