What is the downside of winter wipers?

Had to replace wipers. For the same $12, I decided to try Duralast Winter wipers.

Why don’t people just use winter wipers all year round?
What is the downside of winter wipers?
They barely took up 10% of the shelf space, so they are not very popular, but the same price (or lower)
Do they perform worse in the rain?

Anco’s similar blade has a similar price and winter or summer seems worth the premium price.

They don’t work as well as regular blades. The only thing winter blades have a “very slight” advantage over is it’s ability NOT to freeze up. But all I do is knock any ice off of them before I start driving…I used winter blades years ago…but found them NOT to be worth it.

I live in snow country and use one of the “beam blades” on all my vehicles. They work just as well as “summer” blades and do not clog up and smear in the winter. I drive an hour or more each way during snow season so I find that I have to use something like a beam blade or winter blade to make sure I can see. Old style winter blades were ok but tended to lift off of the windshield at high speeds such as driving in the rain in the summer. The beam blades do not lift off of the windshield, even when I am going 70 mph.

I learned to use winter blades (only in the winter, naturally), after having to stop repeatedly during a couple of very heavy snowstorms in order to knock the ice off of my summer-type blades. The safety and convenience factor of not having to stop to knock the ice off of the blades is well worth the small additional cost of having two sets of wiper blades, IMHO.

However, as a result of bloody knuckles’ recommendation of the beam-type blades, I will definitely consider a set of them when I next need to replace my blades, because the winter-type blades are just not as effective on rain, and if I can get away with just one set of blades…all the better.

I highly recommend shopping for wiper blades on Amazon. If you watch the sales you can usually find name brand, high quality beam blades for 10 bucks or less each. Sometimes there is also a rebate as well.

I highly recommend shopping for wiper blades on Amazon. If you watch the sales you can usually find name brand, high quality beam blades for 10 bucks or less each. Sometimes there is also a rebate as well.

So, they suck in the rain?

So, they suck in the rain?

Never said that…they just aren’t as good in rain. Tend to streak a lot easier.

Winter blades are kind of like studded snow tires…good in ice and heavy snow and not as good anytime else.

Winter blades can keep from plugging up with ice and may be stronger and not bend/break in heavy snow. But they don’t wipe rain off as well as a regular blade.

Winter blades are great since they prevent ice from building up in the structure of the blade. Ice still build up on the blade but a lift and let go knocks the ice off.
They are a waste in summer since they tend to catch the wind and lift. They can do this in winter also but you should not be driving fast enough in inclement weather to have them lift. Also the rubber covering rots in the summer and is no good the next winter.

In my area this type of blade is not even found anymore. The new beam style works much better.

Blades never last more than 6 months so why would anyone have winter blades on during the summer?

Winter wipers don’t seem to do as well as regular wipers at high speeds, ie 70 mph. They can catch the wind and lift off the windshield glass and this is more an issue on some cars than others depending on the shape of the windshield and aerodynamic design of the car. On some models there may not be a downside other than higher costs and shorter life.

I have the same experience as most here, they are prone to lifting at high speeds during warm weather (speeds are down most of winter around these parts) and they seem to be harder rubber compound to take the beating of ice and snow stuck on the windshield. The boots are a nice feature in winter to keep the works from icing up.

I still have a vintage Chevelle that I restified. The theme when I built it was to minimize or hide everything that could be hidden or removed. One final detail was to put some old but not worn out winter wiper blades on it. They blended in so much better than the old frame style units and were hardly noticeable. Well, no amount of traction aids helped keep this beast in line even with light mist on the roads and with a show quality paint job, it never saw any moisture if at all possible. When I rolled up the first time with the winter blades, some of my more observant friends were practically rolling on the ground laughing. Yeah, right!! Like you could (or would) drive THIS THING in the winter…

They are a waste in summer since they tend to catch the wind and lift. They can do this in winter also but you should not be driving fast enough in inclement weather to have them lift

Even here in NH…I’m only driving at MOST 10 days a year where the winter blades will be useful. So I never bother getting them.

Never had winter blades, but “Ice still build up on the blade but a lift and let go knocks the ice off.” sounds like the same thing I do with regular blades, I live in WI, what is the upside to winter blades? I am not convinced yet. Sure maybe I have to loosen the blade from the windsheild with an ice scraper, Is that what I avoid?
There are people that put them up off the windsheild, but if I have to scrape the glass, the blade is no big deal.

When wipers were all metal and only winter blades were rubber covered, it made sense. Today’s blades, I find, work well in any weather.

Winter Wipers are less advantageous then regular wipers for two related reasons. Price and sun damage. I found that winter wipers are cost effective if you change them over like your winter tires. Otherwise, like excessive wear to snow tires, it Is just too costly to keep them on year round and have the summer sun degrade the rubber boots. Yes, there are some bootless winter wipers, but they cost an arm and a leg.

Winter wipers are definitely worth the price in the winter…if you must go to work every day and leave your car outside. I no longer buy them as my " co semi retired" cars, spend their non working hours under a car port.

Blades last years sometimes.

If you live in a snow belt from one of the Great Lakes winter blades are very useful. Lots of heavy wet snow. Beam Type are great, but if you have 28" wipers, buy Bosch, not Rainex, the Rainex will come apart at the mount in heavy wet snow.

Agree with @oldtimer11…I should have saved time and effort and just thrown my money out the window when I purchased Rainex wipers.