Website error

I just got this error when I went to the login page:

Skip to main content Error The website encountered an unexpected error. Please try again later. Error message
Warning: array_map(): Argument #2 should be an array in include_once() (line 518 of /www/docs/cartalk.git/www-cartalk-com/sites/default/settings.php).
Warning: array_map(): Argument #2 should be an array in include_once() (line 518 of /www/docs/cartalk.git/www-cartalk-com/sites/default/settings.php).
User error: Failed to connect to memcache server: in dmemcache_object() (line 415 of /www/docs/cartalk.git/www-cartalk-com/sites/all/modules/memcache/
PDOException: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2005] Unknown MySQL server host '' (0) in lock_may_be_available() (line 167 of /www/docs/cartalk.git/www-cartalk-com/includes/

After retrying a few seconds later it worked.

No problem, you are just being watched that’s all. Just kidding.

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Of course we’re being watched, no kidding. This is a commercial enterprise making money on us and making sure we behave properly. I posted my message in case it would help them deal. It looks like a race problem, a failure to resolve nearly-contemporaneous attempts to use a single resource.

This happened to me twice just now, 16:45 UTC, April 28.

On what might be a related note (and might not), I think my employer has blocked access to this site. I can access it on my phone and on my home computer, but no longer on my work computer.

What login page are you using? Do you go in from the main site, use the corner login, go to, or something else? I would like to see what happens.

I couldn’t connect at UNM’s medical library Saturday.

Is it because of the stuff I post?

I just had this error again 3:15 PM Mountainous Time 2018 June 2.

Might I suggest that you don’t access entertainment sites at work? Although it’s helpful, it’s still not work related unless like some, you have a repair shop. That should solve the problem.

Your overlords are possibly controlling? I am an IT guy in charge of internet antivirus, backup etc. I am not into monitoring websites visited, or tracking gps locations for users, though I can. Now sure I can set up alerts, and sure a guy was forced to retire due to visiting porn sites, and sure a guy was written up for visiting home during working hours, but these were people I was asked to monitor, but on a regular basis it does not happen where I work.

The website encountered an unexpected error. Please try again later.
Error message

Warning: array_map(): Argument #2 should be an array in include_once() (line 518 of /www/docs/cartalk.git/www-cartalk-com/sites/default/settings.php).
Warning: array_map(): Argument #2 should be an array in include_once() (line 518 of /www/docs/cartalk.git/www-cartalk-com/sites/default/settings.php).
User error: Failed to connect to memcache server: in dmemcache_object() (line 415 of /www/docs/cartalk.git/www-cartalk-com/sites/all/modules/memcache/
PDOException: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2005] Unknown MySQL server host '' (0) in lock_may_be_available() (line 167 of /www/docs/cartalk.git/www-cartalk-com/includes/

8:20 AM 2018 June 17 (mountainous time)

A company I used to work for wouldn’t allow employees to sign into any web sites, even those that are clearly professional and even obviously customer sites. We were prevented from doing our jobs because of this, but IT security didn’t care in the least. We pretty much had to crawl ten miles over crushed glass to get permission to sign in.

We are pretty laid back, but it was reported a guy would take the work truck, with lawnmower on the trailer to cut his own grass on work time, sorry busted. Porn sites while asking female to hang pictures in his office, she complained, sorry busted. 2 in 15 years, we are not in to day to day monitoring, usually a complaint based system, but that may be changing as I have new overlords. And I am careful to keep most everything work related.

Was this when accessing Logging in?

Now that you mention it, one of the weirdest ones was the IT security guy hacked the system to make it look like his boss had been on porn sites. He was a minister in his off time too. After he was pushed out it was discovered what happened but too late, but that left a second opening. If you can’t trust your IT security guy, who can you trust? Correct. No one. We must not be so quick to convict.

Funny but one of the Sanford books dealt with the same thing except it was a Senator race and the incumbent was set up. Must have been about 2001 or so so maybe he got the idea from us. I’ll have to ask if I go to another one of his book signings.

Speaking of ding dong employees and trucks, we had the contract day janitor take a ride in our pick up truck at work. He evidently had just gotten out of jail and needed to get across town so he just took it for a ride. He never came back but left the truck about a mile away for us to find. Wouldn’t have been so bad except he smashed the distributor when he was done. Then again maybe he was afraid someone would steal it. Guess there’s a little good in everyone. Thing is any one of us would have given him a ride-bad decisions.

Yes, why I mentioned it in this forum.

C’mon, I’m not being dense. We’ve gotten a variety of errors over time. I’m not seeing the error, so I have to rely on users’ description of it. Thank you for the text of the error. Could you please clarify for me whether you got it upon logging in, or whether you had saved your password? Thank you.

You forgot “uphill, through 12 inches of snow, both ways.”

Seriously, though, I feel your pain. Using the internet at work and using it at home are two different things, for sure. And I think, in general, the IT organization isn’t particularly interested in sharing what they do or why they do what they do.

Logging in. My browser doesn’t keep passwords or history.