VinFast slashes prices on their EVs

You might recall that more than one automotive journalist who test-drove these vehicles stated that they were HIGHLY flawed:

I wonder if the approximately 1,000 VinFast vehicles that have been sitting in CA since December have been re-worked in order to make them salable on March 1st.

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Maybe the company name needs changing as well…

Sounds like a diet shake that tastes like wine! :crazy_face:


And short range too. The VF8 has a range of about 200 miles.

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The only way that this manufacturer can compete with other–superior–EV makers is on the basis of a very low price. But, if–and when–they go belly-up in the US marketplace, the hapless owners will likely wind-up with a lifeless brick w/in a couple of years.

As I have said–repeatedly–to a cheapskate friend–you can’t afford to “save money” in that manner.

They can store it with their Yugo.

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It sounds like the hair tonic i used to use- Vitalis with V7.


$600 per month down to $400 per month is not a 50% price drop