Turbocharing motor

390bigblock-power wrote:

My whole goal with cars is to learn new things and have fun with my dad and my friends while
doing it, even if it dont work.

This is priceless. There are many who would love to have a son so interested in learning and interested in sharing such an experience with his father. Whatever it costs or whatever goes wrong, you’ll create memories that will last a lifetime.

Couldn’t’a put it better, JoeMario. 390- don’t forget to take pictures as you go along and put’em in an album or something. You may not be able to build the actual project you’ve described, but don’t give up on your basic goal.


hi son do you an adult or older friend to help you? it sounds like you are make these crazy idea up in your own head. I would get some advise
if you need help find rod club get with members. find some that is into racing. make a plan on what you want to build. there alot of hidden cost to race a car. tow truck trailer repairs spare parts. admission to park. towels to cry into when you lose a race. get more then one persons advise . have to thought about go cart first,