This Board Just Tried to load a Ransom Virus on My PC

Your email should have a feature to block senders . Of course that is like playing Wack a Mole. Also many of those unwanted emails will have a hard to find an ( unsubscribe) that you can click on.

Unfortunately that may simply verify the email is valid.

On a side note, am amazed by people that fall for email scams.
Like two emails I routinely get:
Your “Neetflix” or “Netflixxx” account will be closed for non payment.
A bill thanking me for my order of a computer virus protection program for $400.


While unsubscribing should work, it can tell spam emailers they have a ‘good’ email address, prime for selling:
Does Unsubscribing from Emails Work? How to Clear Your Inbox (

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I call those scam emails, sent by criminals to steal your money. I don’t open them, I delete them.

I agree it’s probably a scam.

I’ve been using and managing computers since the 1970s. On my PCs, I just use Microsoft Windows Defender, no other security software. No computer I’ve managed has ever become infected with a virus or worm. Security isn’t as frequent a deal as people think. I admit I am a little careful about visiting dubious websites, and when I do I use a virtual Linux operating system (I use the free version of VMWare Player - which also requires some knowledge to use, and I don’t use a shared folder), which I occasionally restore from a backup or recreate if it’s too old. Also, I’ve turned off all remote management tools, because they are themselves an obvious vulnerability.

Though disk drives eventually go bad (even solid state hard drives - in fact they fail more often than hard drives, unless you have a portable computer which moves around a lot), and Windows Updates themselves are the main cause of crashes on well maintained Windows computers. So do frequent backups of user files (preferably kept on a separate disk partition, because system disk partitions crash the most, due to overuse, and it’s a lot easier and faster to just backup your user partition, especially if it is on a exFAT partition, rather than the unreliable NTFS partitions, which block copying & backup of some files, and don’t move well between OS versions), onto a cycle of two removable drives, and occasionally do full image back-ups. (I use Clonezilla, though that requires some knowledge, and you have to do a Chkdsk /f /r on all partitions first, which takes a long while. I once used a commercial backup tool that did periodic backups on a relative’s computer - but when the disk drive started to go bad, the new defective copies overwrote all the old good ones. Not a good idea! - when a drive starts to go bad, use a full image backup to recreate your system on a new disk drive.) And, never ever let someone like Geek Squad touch your computer - e.g., a relative had them replace her PC, and they completely discarded the partition with all her user files.

Some of us consider Microsoft to be a virus. Turn the computer on and they manage to have uploaded a new system. I want to say no but the only button is ask me later.

Only if you allow them to. You can easily shut off automatic updates.

So do I, but so many people fall for them.
Much like 15 years or so, the person, with a strong foreign accent, calling to say they are from the IRS.

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Ha ha. Yeah I said gee I know the sheriff. I’ll give him a call. Click.

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