Tesla model X buying advice

Three cars in 8 years? Hardly justifies your high remark. 20 years/300K+ on the same vehicle would.

Actually Old Mopar can make that statement . He and his wife lease ( which is their choice ) and have had 3 Hyundai in a row that they are satisfied with .

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My wife’s latest Hyundai, which she took delivery of in June 2022, just passed 3k miles on the clock. I’m trying to convince her that for 3,000 miles in 2 years, we could save money by simply taking Ubers when we need to go somewhere. I’m having no success.

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She got the “long range” model

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The other way to look at it - The vehicles with much WORSE than average have 4 times the failures then vehicles that are rated as much BETTER than average.

Is the glass half-full, or half-empty? … lol …

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Neither, it’s just simply half a glass.

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Depends- if it’s Moxie, it’s definitely half full. That stuff is nasty. If it’s Pepsi, it’s most certainly half empty and time to panic :wink:

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No. I would not buy a brand that is famous for having bad engines or bad years.

I don’t care if musk is friendly. He’s obviously an erratic control freak, and that’s the reason I wouldn’t buy a box of matches from him. Especially since he has the ability to disable them remotely at will and without notice.

Remove the “maybe” part, and I am with you.

Looks like our new member, jamesbrnesz is a spammer… and Flagged!!

It’s a Shop used cars for sale site the spammer is listing…

Thanks VOLVO…