Studded snow tires for Matrix?

Hi, hope to hear soon from someone who’s put studded snows on. Are they legal in MA?

Can I get the right size by telling a dealer what size I have on there now? Where can I get the best deals on new or barely used ones in MA?


FORGET studs. WHERE in MA?? This is not Minnesota…90% of the people here somehow survive with standard issue all-season radials. 10% feel they must have a set of winter tires. 0% put studs in them. If it gets THAT bad, you are not going anywhere anyway…

A friend bought an awd matrix, the low clearance and low profile tires made me wonder how it will be in winter in WI. Plowing is pretty good so I think he will be ok, but sure got to watch for windrows and snow drifts I would think.

I’ll be on Vermont this winter on a hill.

I know someone in Vermont who travels hilly back roads in an AWD Matrix. Your friend should do fine. Wish I’d bought one.

My mother grew up on a dairy farm in Sheldon, 30 miles below the Canadian border…She drove a '38 Nash… You are not in Matrix country…You are in Subaru country…

Winter tires? Yes. They’re a good idea.

Studs? No. You don’t need studs.

Studless designs work very well. The major issue with studs is the wet/slush traction is not great which is the majority winter driving in MA.

Steer away from “used tires” at this point of the year. First winter tires turn in to all-seasons with ok winter traction below 5/32". Also you are in the peek buying season for used tires. End of season is the best time to purchase used. Also used you get no bargain on mounting tires where many tire places cheapen that rate.

I would simply called around.

Matrix will do fine with winter tires in VT except in deep stuff.

Pre-kids I was 50/day year skier at Jay Peak and Mad River Glen. I used a 95 Civic low slung coupe with various winter tires. They all got me there and I always went when it was bad or getting bad.

You only need studs on the harshest of winters (which MA doesn’t get). If you LIVE in Vermont then it might be worth it…but visiting it every once in a while…not worth it. Studs give you the ability to MOVE in the snow…but you also get diminished control…and a much harsher ride…Studs on a RWD vehicle in Upstate NY…very desirable…MA…not needed. States that do allow them usually have a time frame you are allowed to have them…(Nov-15 thru Apr-15).

Studs actually have superior traction on hard pack snow or ice underneath snow or sheer ice especially wet ice. They give you incredible control in those conditions. However on wet and dry conditions that are awful.

In high school we used to race around on frozen lakes and ponds in NH white mountains when conditions were right with RWD(corolla), 4wd(subaru), and FWD(rabbits).

Studs actually have superior traction on hard pack snow or ice underneath snow or sheer ice especially wet ice. They give you incredible control in those conditions. However on wet and dry conditions that are awful.

I agree…I should have been more specific…They will give you LESS control on dry pavement…which will be 80-90% of your driving in MA.

I would sooner put studded tires on a car in PA than in NY. They get lots of ice on the roads there.

I would sooner put studded tires on a car in PA than in NY. They get lots of ice on the roads there.

Depends on WHERE in NY…Most of NY I’ll agree with that statement…But the snow belt…Studs are almost necessary. Town I grew up in averaged OVER 230" a year.