“Stop for “ sign

In parking lots, I see these signs a lot, an awful lot of them posted everywhere inside of a single parking lot. Me and my families were arguing over these signs on what they mean.

I’m under the impression that these signs should only be obeyed when there are pedestrians walking across the road. But my families believe they mean to stop always and then proceed when safe to do so.

If they are right, that I’m to stop every time I approach these signs in the parking lot, then this mean I’d have to stop my car about 8 times to get about 3 car length of me, which would be overwhelmingly inconvenient.

Does anyone know the rules about these signs ?

Thank you.

My interpretation is it is directing you to stop in a particular position when pedestrians are present and allow them to cross. I always slow to be sure there isn’t someone going to step out unexpectedly but not stop. That’s not a stop sign…


They are on private property, not a public roadway. You are not required by law to stop at them, but as always you should drive with caution to avoid an accident. You could be sued if you hit someone with your car on private property.


What is so hard to understand that it is just showing where you should stop for pedestians when present . As said , it is not a stop sign .


What makes the sign confusing to some is that it has the “stop” sign labeled on it, in the exact color of the actual stop sign. Would have been better had they used a different color, like yellow, to differentiate from the actual stop sign.

No, the red octagonal stop sign is appropriate. Everyone knows what it means. If someone sees a yellow sign they might interpret it as a yield sign without close inspection. Don’t leave anything to interpretation.


Seen briefly, quick glance, seems to be saying drivers in cars should be aware that pedestrians may be walking in the area, and cars should stop if pedestrian/car conflict for the same space occurs. However, have to wonder the purpose for the period/dot at the bottom?

Just like the one at the top . It is a hole for a mounting screw .


Then there is the fat guy grilling sign.

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Yeah you just stop for people and dogs in the crosswalk. No one writes anything anymore and just uses pictures. Spose because of all the language issues. I’m sure it would be in the ne revised 400 page learners manual or someplace.

Now my wife was from South Dakota. She would see the “stop ahead” signs and thought it meant to stop ahead of the sign. It took a while to convince her they were just a warning to be ready to stop in your near future. Now they just buy the couple thousand dollar flashing yellow lights to get your attention. In some areas though every tow truck or service vehicles has their flashing yellow lights ablaze just driving down the road. A real light show at night.

Any else remember when stop signs were their present shape, but yellow? I think they were changed to red around 1956 where I grew up in Wisconsin.

I’m from a 3rd world country and migrated to the United States 2 decades ago. We have occasional issues with understanding signs here, though we enjoy learning and improving our understanding of various things here. To this day I get confused approaching roundabouts, especially ones with 3 to 4 exits.

Sometimes I see signs I have no clue what they mean, such as those written “ adopt “ or something like that.

At the DMV when applying for my license I didn’t get asked about these unusual signs.

Heh heh. Me too. My first experience with roundabouts was in London driving on the wrong side of the road with a manual transmission. Mind your head now.

The adopt signs are just get groups to volunteer to pick up trash on the side of the road. I think it was Alabama that instead had signs saying we don’t litter here. Driving through Birmingham I though about the famous jail.

2 decades and you did not bother to find out what a sign like that meant and Round abouts are not that difficult .

Looks to me like someone, hands on knees, trying to take a dump in a baby carriage, but missing. :upside_down_face:

We have Law Enforcement Officers (LEOs) that do not understand them!

And yet here in NH we’re building new ones.

Same here, much prefer traffic lights.

Here in Tn it means that Pedestrians have the right away and if you hit one it is your fault, and to let you know where to Stop as drivers like to drive right past the HUGE WHITE line across the road… that does not mean where your back bumper stops at…

As for the roundabouts there are people that have lived here all there life that still don’t understand them… Nashville only has 2 that I can think of and one of those is not that old, I knew that section of town really well but hadn’t seen there n a while and the 1st time I saw it I was lost, was like WTH happened to the road…

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In every other state, pedestrians have the right of way.

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