Southern Gas Shortage

Kai Rysdall of Marketplace said the DOE’s website tells people not to put gasoline in trash bags.

The pump and canopy have since been replaced but this is what a RV looks like if you try to fill a water tank with gasoline and then the fire starts while you’re fueling. Fire department had things under control in a couple of hours and the major intersection next to the station open quickly on a Friday morning. Sadly the owner lost everything in the fire and at last report was going to stay with family.

I was being realistic. I was thinking about ziploc bags, not shopping bags.

PBS News Hour tonight said that Colonial Pipeline insisted that they did not pay the ransom, despite reports that they did. Take your choice.

Like I said, does anyone really know if they paid or not? Yahoo, Bloomberg, and PBS just repeat what they are told. Doc would know but where is he? Need inside scuttlebut.

But yeah in Minnesota gas went up about a dime in the last day or two to $2.85. Something like $1.90 a year ago. Of course if they did pay, it’ll just be passed on.

A steel coil endorsement is required only for CDL holders that have a NY issued CDL . Although CDLs must meet a Federal standard they are issued by the individual states. A state may impose additional requirements, but th cannot require them from CDL holders from other states.

The steel coil requirements came after several accidents by improperly secured steel coils. The stupid thing about the steel coil endorsement is that most steel being hauled through NY State is not being hauled by NY drivers, because of where most steel is being made now.

If you have a NY issued CDL, you may not haul steel coils in NY without the endorsement and you have to take a written test about the proper way to load and secure steel coils, at every renewal, just like the hazmat written test.

At one time NY drivers were being given tickets in other states for hauling hazardous materials with a NY issued CDL if it was more than 4 years old even though you had the hazmat endorsement. This was happening because NY issues licenses for 8 years and the Federal CDL standard was to have to take the hazmat test every 4 years. I don’t know how they resolved that.

According to Bloomberg Business Week, Colonial paid the ransom last week, in hard-to-trace cryptocurrency. Here is the article:

Colonial Pipeline Paid Hackers Nearly $5 Million in Ransom - Bloomberg

It’s all “hackable”, unless new regulations are instituted, requiring these infrastructure companies to vastly improve their cyber security.


the biggest of which is what a gallon tops? in what way is that realistic? Especially when we were all referring specifically to this video:

They paid the ransom. And I suspect this won’t be the last.

They actually have reporters…unlike Fox and Newsmark.

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I heard the news “wall Street Journal” say this morning that they paid $5 million. They got the information from the hackers to fix it and it didn’t work. The pipeline had to resolve it on their own plus pay 5 million for nothing

@cdaquila - time for a post review


Whew, @gmallan55_149168, everything was pretty tame despite some different viewpoints. Let’s not throw lit matches on the gas (shortage thread), okay?

Happy Friday, everybody.


That’s already been proven. Let me know if you want video proof.

In an attempt to find some humor in the panic-buying, self-created crisis in certain states…


So, it’s not a good idea to put 4 containers of gas in your Hummer, and then light up a cigarette?
Who knew?
(Note: This article doesn’t mention the cigarette factor, but I did hear that reported on radio news this morning.)

This article mentions a cigarette as the likely cause:

A lot of idiots who horded TP are now sitting on several years supply of TP. Some tried to sell because they needed the cash and lost a bundle. Oh Well.

I guess I qualify as a gas Hoarder . I filled up 3 days ago and I had 1/2 tank . But that is what I normally do so I did not change my pattern.


My hoarder friend is still unable to use one of his clothes closets because it is filled from floor to ceiling with incandescent bulbs that he stockpiled because “nobody would want any of those dang LED bulbs”. :crazy_face:

Six years later, he has not been able to sell even one package of those incandescent bulbs.