I think I have the solution to all the problems and issues posted on this board. It’s simple. We go back to the Model T Ford.
1. There would be no sticking accelerator pedals. The throttle control is a lever on the steering column.
2. There is no argument about whether the manual or automatic transmission is the way to go. In the Model T you just push the left pedal all the way down for low. When you are ready for high, you let the pedal out. There is no clutch, but you can shift the Model T from low to high when you want it to shift. Thus we have the best of both the manual and automatic transmission worlds.
3. If you stay away from the optional electric start, you don’t electrical problems. There is no troublesome battery or alternator. Be certain to grip the hand crank properly so that if the engine kicks back, you won’t dislocate your shoulder. The acetylene headlights are just fine. They dim themselves automatically from the breeze from the oncoming car.
4. You don’t have to worry about the heater core leaking because there is no heater. Use your lap robe in the wintertime. If you are worried about moths eating the wool lap robe, you can probably obtain one made from synthetic fibers.
5. There are no fuel pump worries on the Model T. The fuel is gravity fed. If the hill is steep enough, however, you might have to climb the hill in reverse (a minor inconvenience).
6. There is no water pump to wear out. The cooling system is a thermal-siphon system.
7. If you want higher performance, drop some mothballs in the gasoline tank. This increases the octane and you can then advance the manual spark advance lever on the steering column.
Look at all the problems we’ve created by leaving the Model T behind.
Better yet, go back to a horse. He’ll know the way home if you’re too inebriated.
What about all those questions similar to “The car I bought two weeks ago has turned out to be really uncomfortable. What can I do?” or “The seats in my new car make the arthritis in my back worse. Can I replace the driver’s seat?”
For these people, a Model T Ford would be torture. Many of them couldn’t even climb in.
And, just try to imagine the incredible leg cramps that result from continually holding down the left pedal in order to keep the transmission in low range.
When the T is put into high range, it tends to go too fast for the primitive suspension and brakes, thus leading to a version of Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride. As a result, most drivers would be more comfortable leaving it in low range. But–the effort needed to hold the pedal to the floor in order to keep it in low range is really high.
Yes, the T was an incredibly durable vehicle, especially considering its low price. But, to overlook some of its limitations would be unrealistic.
Here’s a sampling of the type of questions we might see:
I would like to know if any other colors are available than the standard colors; black, ebony and charcoal?
My air bag keeps going off, can I leave her at home?
My kid keeps stealing the tires for his bicycle. The ride seems no different without them. Is there any harm in riding on the wheels?
Can I get better mileage with this coffee can exhaust tip?
My gas pedal stuck two weeks ago but I haven’t noticed it until now. What should I do?
The minute we do that someone will steal our sales away by inventing an automatic starter.
Then someone else will invent a heating system.
Then someone else will invent sealed beam lights.
And we’ll quickly end up right back where we are.
We can, however, stop things from getting worse. But that involves stopping some federal regulatory agencies from creating any new regulations…
I’m sorry, I’m willing to go back, but only as far as my 62 Rambler with the “bed” seats.
If we do go back…will you take everything else that goes with the Model T ?
What a difference a century makes!
Here are some statistics for the Year 1909 :
The average life expectancy was 47 years.
Fuel for the Model T was sold in drug stores only.
There were only 8,000 cars and only 144 miles
of paved roads.
The maximum speed limit in most cities was 10 mph.
More than 95 percent of all births took place at HOME.
The five leading causes of death were:
- Pneumonia and influenza
- Tuberculosis
- Diarrhea
- Heart disease
- Stroke
I think Number 6 was the Model T.
There was a man and his daughter driving east on Route 70 not too far from here. It was about 3 years ago. His car was hit and both of them died at the scene. The Model T is n unsafe car.
Wasn’t the top speed 40 mph? Are you talking crank start and no seat belts, airbags or safety glass? A metal dash to knock your teeth out on and skinny tires that were prone to failure?, no thanks
You did not mention swaying within the lanes since the “T” had such sloppy and jerky steering.
I really like the responses. My late father didn’t particularly care for the Model T–his family bought their first car, a Model T Ford when dad was 18. This was in 1922 and the car, brand new, cost $250. When I was growing up, we never had a Ford product. When I asked dad why, he said, “You have to crank them a long time to get them started in cold weather”. I didn’t know what the big deal was, as long as the car started. It turned out that my dad had gone to a college dance with his date in the Model T. When they came out afterward, the temperature had really dropped. While my dad was trying to get the Model T to fire up (hand cranking), his date left with someone else. When I told him that he should look on the bright side. If the Model T had started right away, he might have gotten serious about this person, not met my mother and I wouldn’t be here. He replied, “Now you know what I have against Fords”. (I think my dad’s real reason for not buying Ford products was that he didn’t like old Henry Ford authorizing Bennett, his second in command, to bring in goons to beat up on the Ford employees. My parents’ last car was a Mercury Sable–their first Ford product).
Some of you guys don’t know how to enjoy a joke…
My problem when I had a horse is that it first became a pet and then more like one of the family. When I would ride the horse to the bar, the horse would go in and drink along with me and then neither of us would know the way back home.
Ah, you’re nuts. The Renault Dauphine was a MUCH better car.
Yes, the Renault Dauphine was an easy car to overhaul. You could buy the overhaul kit that included the cylinder sleeves, piston rings, etc. and you could have it going in less than a day. However, you had to overhaul the car every other day. The Model T, though, was much easier to fix. If it stopped, you banged on the coil box. 90% of the time, it would start up and run again.
or is the other driver the unsafe thing?
if you gave 2 people different cars; one that was invincible, and one that had a handgun in the headrest that goes off in an accident. who do you think would be the safer driver?
However, you had to overhaul the car every other day.
You guys are hot today! Hilarious.
The car didn’t belong on an interstate highway. Yes, the other driver was inattentive, but the Model T couldn’t keep up with traffic. The speed limit in that area is 70 MPH. The difference in speed led to the accident. The Model T has no safety equipment whatsoever. It didn’t even have windows. Get hit, lose control, fly out of the car; all at highway speeds.
Nope. Sam the Eagle has nothing on me…
Then there is the story about an old fellow in a Model T Ford driving along on a super highway when his engine quit. A couple who had just purchased a new air conditioned Cadillac decided to be nice and help him out. They attached a rope to the Model T and told him they would tow him to the next town. Well, the couple in the Cadillac got carried away with their new wheels and forgot about the poor old fellow in the Model T. The Cadillac couple decided to test the car for speed and had the Cadillac up to 100. With the windows closed and the air conditioning going, they didn’t hear the old fellow in the Model T honking his horn and yelling. Well, a police officer was parked behind a billboard checking for speeders. When the Cadillac towing the Model T whizzed by, he radiod ahead to another policeman. “Watch for a Cadillac speeding along about 100”, he said. “And you won’t believe this, but their is an old geezer in a Model T Ford on its back bumper honking his horn and trying to pass it”.