Should Car Talk seek out another carrier for their fine program?

Only a truely ********** (sorry, lost a bit of control there) person would use the work “Nazi” in such a manner. Thanks for clarifying our understanding.

EVERY commenter on the NPR website would only be a fraction of a drop in the bucket of NPR listeners!

Sure I agree with you, but not where Freedom of Speech is involved. Never can loss of that be accepted. Well, well the POTUS deliberately regularly leaves out “endowed by our Creator”, suppose that is Freedom of Speech. And ok with the radical left.

Well…O’Rielly can’t live without them…almost everyone else could. :slight_smile:

my pleasure! Texases. Nazi’s started with what NPR did. Wake up! Mind control is the issue here. Oh yes, and Speech Control. I flew a month after 911, fear did not stop me, but I would be lying if I did not admit, I was looking around at my fellow passengers.

Try to get REAL, it is in your best interest.

Well I have done my share of protesting NPR, here. I am extremely disappointed at the response of the listeners of Car Talk!!! Perhaps, they never heard of Juan Williams before and do not understand Freedom of Speech.

Sad day to see how the sheeple follow the lefties leads, blindly. Sheep are the stupidest
animals on the planet, so sheeple is a PERFECT description.

Thanks for putting this question up. Seeing the results is disheartening, to put it nicely.

Now you have decide if you are going to continue to listen to NPR shows. I am not.

Anyone who does not take their show elsewhere must agree with NPR’s draconian behavior, and complete disregard for Freedom of Speech.

“endowed by our Creator” comes from the Declaration of Independence, not the U.S. Constitution.

Sunshine, Juan Williams wasn’t “the only black person on NPR.” This statement proves you come from a position of ignorance. Do you know who Farai Chideya is? How about Tavis Smiley?

Perhaps, they never heard of Juan Williams before and do not understand Freedom of Speech.

Or perhaps we do understand Freedom of Speech is a limited right, and that it doesn’t apply to all things all times.

If you sign a contract that says you will abide by certain rules, and then you choose not to abide by those rules, that is an issue of character … and honor. If character and honor mean nothing to you, you can disregard the rules you contractually agreed to abide by and then act outraged. However, most of us are smart enough to realize this umbrage is manufactured, both on Williams’ part and yours.

Actually, the Nazi movement got started by feeding on and stoking peoples’ long-held fears and hatreds…sounds familliar…

Free speech is free speech, if you like it or not.

Yes, but every right has limits, even Freedom of Speech. Google “Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.” for more information on the limits of free speech.

If you sign a contract that states you agree not to do a thing, and then you do it anyway, isn’t that an issue of integrity? Why is it okay for Juan Williams to show a complete lack of integrity and still hold on to a job where he deliberately repeatedly broke the rules?

So, you think Click and Clack should not have the freedom to “express” themselves by not moving to a different network, but Juan Williams should be able to “express” himself all he wants even if its in violation of his employment contract.

In other words, “Freedom of Speech only applies when I agree with what you say.”

Contributions to any legitimate non profit are tax-deductible. If you wanna go down that road, I have a whole list of republican-leaning religious organizations that we need to cut off from the tax deduction teat.

You mean like the 3 year 2 million dollar contract with Fox he just signed?

Seems a bit more than speculation now, doesn’t it :wink:

Coming from a person who thinks freedom of speech applies to private employers, and “endowed by our Creator” is a quote from the Constitution, your tirades on our ignorance would be amusing if they weren’t so sad.

Juan Williams got fired because he was “employed at will.”

That means that an employer can terminate an employee for a good reason, a bad reason, or no reason at all! The only things they CAN’T do are (a) terminate in violation of a signed contract (typically union) or (b) terminate due to color, race, sex, religion or national origin. (Plus a few added later than the CRA.)

The US is basically alone amongst first-world nations by allowing at-will employment. Sunshine, perhaps Mr. Williams COULD have held on to his job if we had (ahem) more “leftist” labor laws.

I try to maintain a political neutrality here, but I do enjoy irony when I see it.

Declaration of Independence, primaimly written by Thomas Jefferson and John Adams, the line “endowed by our creator” has its origins a bit in dispute. The current thinking is it was Benjamin Franklin that kinda liked the sound to the line and “Xed” out what Jefferson had written.Basicaly it is a document explaining to the King of England why the Colonies have chosen to do what they are doing.

People routinely get the two documents mixed up. Some would suggest some kind of competancy test before you can vote but I say 'NO" as perhaps my interpetion to the Countitution (being the living document that it is) may be different than yours, would not want anyone to fail the test due to differences in interpetion. Wish those guys would have been a bit more clear with just what they ment, but since the document is “living” that is just academic.

When will Jaun be filing his “wrongful termination” lawsuit, I thought so,never. The suggestion that Jaun talk his fears over with his shrink did not imply that Jaun is unstable, the days when seeing a shink placed that burden on a person are long gone, ask Mike Wallace.

It is somewhat confusing when trying to understand how seeing people in “Muslim garb” (whatever that means) scares Jaun, as the 911 hijackers tried to look as “Westernized” as possible. Perhaps some time “on the couch” is in order.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

put some context to it waterboy.