Repair for almost-but-not-stolen catalytic?

This! What Tester said…

Are you sure it’s not all one piece after the cat?

Lol…don’t see nothing wrong with the cat…

Is that supposed to be a joke ? And the person has his problem solved .

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Hey look man I hadn’t finished reading the whole thread okay?
I’m a little bit tired of your attitude too okay no it wasn’t a joke I about had it with you pal!
Excuse me for making a comment before I read the whole thing all right?
Volvo you always have something smart to say don’t you?

A little life advice: volvo is not going to change. He is pretty abrasive. The only thing I fear is his affect on newcomers. But I am old enough to realize there are lots of people that rub me wrong. If they do you need to remember that arguing with them serves what purpose? Many times it’s best to let it slide right off your back. Unless you enjoy fighting with someone you’re not going to change on a forum. Don’t forget, you are obnoxious to some people also. If you’re not, you’re young and will be if you live long enough. On the other hand, I have a vise of my own. I am entertained by the arguments people uneccessarily get into. It’s not good to be obnoxious but it in some situations is just as bad to reward their behavior with a fight. But if you want to, I’m bored anyway. Sometimes it’s better than TV. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


I know it gets you nowhere I just kind of had it with him this last time.
never really seems to have much helpful to say either he might know what he’s doing seems like he lives on here too…
My apologies for going off.
I probably should have read the whole thread first too…
No…I’m far from young…
I’m 65.

I also want to add I have been a general mechanic most of my life and I’m now retired.
Allbeit not a high-tech mechanic,
But still a well-recommended general mechanic that never had a problem keeping a job.
I feel I have some insight to add to the group even if I reply to an Old Post maybe someone googling it can benefit from my comments.
(I had received a comment about replying to an Old Post)

Well hey stick around and pay no attention. Everyone has a right to agree or disagree, especially if someone says something that would be wrong, but there is a core of a few people here that don’t like new people. This eventually leads to a dead site. A lot of people have left over the last few years, whether from death or abuse who knows? We need new faces.


Thank you…

I got this from my family this past Christmas.



LOL :joy:
I like that.

Tester- that’s priceless.

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It is always better than TV IMHO. :smile:

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Even Sesame street had Oscar the grouch, on we go!

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