he was not barky, this is why we are not allowed to discuss this here. he was talking about people on political sights as were rod and I. we should stick to issues tho when we debate.
he was not referring to you at all.
we were talking about the lack of civil discourse. please don t make it a left right battle.
now I see why these things are no longer wanted here and will not be back to this thread
@wesw you will not be able to post again, not looking for your next post. Now that @wesw will not post, lets get real, The kings and serfs have existed since time immemorial, so 12 yeqas under a bush, 8 under a clinton, 20 years under 2 families is too long. Course clinton ie hilary might add to the family dynasty.
Perhaps what would be useful is adding another category like “everything else not car related” That way people that want to share their viewpoints with friends on the site and for general comment by other members could do so without having to encourage everyone they know to sign up for other blogs or get everyone to be their Facebook or other social media friends. Possibly it could be a private forum open to only members and not for casual browsing?
Just some thoughts… Maybe not even a great idea to open that particular can of worms, but I thought I’d throw it out there.
I would just hope that if New York is hit again that we could at least discuss it here among friends without being closed down is all. I respect the need to stay car related, but sometimes world events are just too compelling to be quiet about.
There is something odd going on with the URL for this thread, where when I try to go back to the first page there’s two forward slashes in it. I just e-mailed support to fix it, and the reply I got indicated the issue was fixed. Let me know if it’s still wonky.
I hear your requests, and when I ask that topics remain broadly car-related, it isn’t because I (or Car Talk, for that matter) don’t think that world events are troubling. It’s simply that Car Talk has asked that forum members use this space to discuss car topics. Other possible venues to extend those non-auto conversations have been mentioned above.
Like I said a couple of months ago, I recognize that in the past the on-topic rule wasn’t enforced like it is now. It’s been a bigger adjustment for some than others. I’m neither infallible nor psychic, so I ask folks to bring a topic back than prematurely shut it down. Lately I haven’t had to say much at all because others “took the words right out of my fingertips,” to borrow a missileman-ism from upthread. The help given here and the knowledge exchanged are the heart of this forum, and I see my role here more as a custodian than a tin-pot dictator.
you re far from a dictator. in fact, you seem to use sound judgement on when you are needed to jump in and where its better to let things be talked out. in fact you definitely helped another member and myself and the forum by your involvement, beyond what was necessary, to help us get thru a dispute. you could have easily dropped the hammer on us, instead you were able to end a feud. maybe you should be drafted by our state department and put on a plane to the middle east to help them coexist…
one slight thing tho…
when I joined the forum it was not that the rule was unenforced.
the general discussion rule clearly stated that it was, “your forum to discuss all the topics of the day”
so it was more of a rule change than increased enforcement.
Lordy, Bing, don’t say that. We’ve just released Al-Qaida’s five greatest masterminds back to them, we did nothing about the Benghazi attack, we’ve refused to seal our southern border, we’re cutting back our military dramatically, and now we’re bombing again in Iraq.
The question is not IF NY is hit again, the question is WHEN the next terrorist attack on our soil happens.
and you guys laughed at me for wanting to keep my 75 ford because it just might still run after the electro magnetic pulse…
I really do have to get that spare electronic ignition box and a pc of lead sheet to wrap it in…
I d better make sure I put that mechanical voltage reg in the cab too…
I am downwind from DC, but on the Brightside traffic should be light if we have to flee the fallout.