Railroad lights

I contacted my insurance and asked how likely will my premium increase. The rep said it shouldn’t increase. I don’t know because a member on my policy has made 3 claims from 2019 to 2022.

I haven’t made a claim since 2011 and I wasn’t at fault. Still, the member on my policy is why I’m hesitant to make a claim.

If I had that problem I’d stop by my insurance agent’s office and have a pow wow with them. They’d know the best strategy for you, way more than anyone else. This sort of thing is best done in person.

Unfortunately I think he is serious. You don’t own your rainwater there either.

Think about this, “It’s one for all, all for one…” and the rates are abased on the all the individuals on the policy, all contribute to premium… Some family members, depending on their age, sex, driving record, and (a whole bunch more factors…), are charged more and cause your premium to go up more than others…

For instance, teenage boys usually cause the policy to go up more than teenage girls… But Insurance companies are now starting to change that in this world of Transgender and Nonbinary sex choices…

Finally, if just one member of your household is causing all those claims, then the insurance company just might re-evaluate whether they will renew your policy or just raise your rates.

In this area, even if the city doesn’t own the tree, and it is located entirely on private property, if it is a protected species of tree, the property owner should also expect a huge fine if trimming off a single branch.

I’m not sure who owns the rainwater. We are allowed to capture and use it I think. We have to pay a fee for all rainwater that drains from private property into city storm sewers … lol …

I was told the town owns it by HOA. The tree is located where residents legally park their cars.

I’m not experienced with these things as I don’t run into issues like these to be familiar with them.

On this forum I might sound like road trouble but it’s far from what comes to the naked eyes. This year was my first experience violating a school bus. 1 speed ticket on my overall record. One ever encounter with a RR crossing. And now the first time in history a tree branch fell on my car while it was parked.

So when it comes to dealing with the law, I turn to the bigger guys on here for some guidance.

Trees are very tricky, highly dependent on your town’s ordinances.

Yes, you seem to be having some bad luck. Years ago this happened to one of my relatives. She had never rcv’d a single ticket, then one year she got three. Problem when turning right, speeding, and pulling in front of a motorcycle. No tickets after that. Just one of those things I guess.

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The investigation showed no negligence of the city and now they have a report to support the investigation. If that were a dead tree or if a limb dropped by a city employee during maintenance, you might have a case. Storm damage is not the fault of the city.

That doesn’t tell us if you park on property or in the street. Either way, you must prove how the agency responsible for maintaining the tree was negligent.

Happened at home. On the HOA property.

Either way, the police report says tree fell on unoccupied car.

Which a complete waste of time . This is not a legal site and how many times do you have to told to see your insurance . What the HOA told you was just to get you out of their office.

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Ok guys, so I have one final question to ask you. This question will help me steer in the logical path.

I understand this is a personal choice but I need you to tell me what you’d do in this case. What you say I will base my decision off of it.

So here goes:

A tree branch with thick hood fell on the car. The dents are mostly visible when viewed side ways. One can be viewed at any angle and is considered a mild sore thumb. It is located on the roof at the edge of the back windshield. The trunk has two dents and look like a 10c. The hood has 2 also.

The car is paid off and worth $23,000 according to KBB.

To fix the dents out of pocket will cost $4.217,05.

If this was your car, would you fix it? Why and why not ?

Thank you very much.

Yes, I would fix it and have the insurance pay for all but the deductible. How many years will it take for an increase in insurance premium to cover the 4 grand payout? Why should you think an increas is for the tree damage and not a general increase for all people in your area?

Yes I would have it fixed or fix it myself depending on the car. But first I would certainly have the dent less folks take a look… I had a dent in my fender that looked like a basketball hit it. I paid the paintless guy $150 and did a great job. I had 24/hail spots on my Pontiac that the paintless guys took care of for $1000. Insurance paid that. As long as there is no broken paint they can do wonders and you’ll never know it. But yeah insurance or myself depending on cost and cause.

For anyone reading this who has springs without safety cables installed, please install safety cables right away. If you’ve ever been near one of those when it breaks and lets loose, you’ll realize how much power they pack. You absolutely can be seriously injured or killed if you’re unlucky enough to be in the garage when it happens.


Yeah back then no one was talking safety cables so I just made my own. When the next one broke the cable held it but it destroyed the 2x 4 it was attached to. Not sure how much they are used anymore. Got the type mounted on the rod now. When they break, you just can’t get out so I have new springs inside ready to install.

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Additionally, because every insurance company has an army of attorneys, they will try to get the city to reimburse the insurance company for the claim.

Could you set up a camera at that railroad crossing, like they did with https://11foot8.com/ ?

How about a making your own sign that says “CAUTION: RAILROAD CROSSING GATE LOWERS WITH ONLY 3 SECOND WARNING”

I can not answer that without seeing the damage 1st…

I could make that decision all by myself without using a Forum of people .

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Just as I wouldn’t want someone deciding what I should eat for dinner, or what I should wear, I wouldn’t want someone else to decide what I should do regarding repair of my car. Only you know what you want, what you need, and what your financial resources might be, and you should make your own decision, based on those factors–without someone else’s influence.