Railroad lights

Here in minnesota, when I ask my wife what I should pick up for her for supper, she says you decide. I say I can’t decide what you want to eat, but she insists. I don’t know if this is age, culture, or what but I do understand some folks just don’t want to decide themselves. :sweat_smile:

By having everyone chips in on what they’d do on a matter will help me see if I’m making the right decision or I’m being petty with my own feelings.

It’s like dating. Everyone is likely to say if a girl rejects you once, don’t continue to pursue her. Then a few unpopular opinion would suggest to keep trying until she changes her mind.

When everyone shares the same opinion on a matter, this can help a novice make well informed decisions because they’ve had some experience from the past.

And to be honest, I’m tired of being told whenever I make a decision that I’m stupid for doing what I did. So I decided to ask what everyone thinks so I can make better decisions.

I made the claim today with my insurance. The agent said the incident was an act of God ( a term new to me ) and won’t increase my premium.

Hopefully he was being honest.

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I believe that he is correct, but this does tend to vary from insurance company to insurance company. Hopefully the verbiage of your policy doesn’t exclude coverage for “acts of God” (natural events that are not under human control).

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Out of all the years you have been married, how many times has she made that decision for what your dinner will be?

If she fixes dinner 6 nights a week, that’s 312 times a year, if you’ve been married 40 years, that’s 12,480 times she decided what’s for dinner.

When she asks you what do you want for dinner, she’s just asking for help,
she doesn’t care if you want a simple meal or a complicated meal,
she just doesn’t want to make the “What’s for dinner tonight” decision for the 12,481st time.

My family and I were talking about this last night. We joked about a particular bad driver in the family who has never received a ticket in his life and has never gotten involved in an accident. Even if he had an ego issue, he was unable to defend that he’s a great driver last night. He admitted to being really awful. This guy keeps driving 30mph over the posted speed limit. He’s often seen struggling to stay in his lane. He drives through **no enter ** zones to cheat, etc. And he’s highly educated.

Then if I make a simple mistake, I’m caught :rofl:

Just a moment ago, I saw a pedestrian standing next to a crosswalk waiting for her time to cross. The traffic light in front of me was green and I needed to make a right turn at the cross walk to enter another road. I kept my eyes on the pedestrian because, of course, bad luck is following me around lately; I then saw the pedestrian reached for her pocket and pulled out her cell phone to answer it, and as my front bumper slightly went over the cross walk, she ran straight across without looking :shushing_face:

I felt a little better after she apologized.

52 X 312 = 16,224. Hot dogs tonight. Soon as I get the oil changed.

Now that I think of it, that’s 16,000 times I’ve done the dishes.

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Why would you think a homemade sign would serve any purpose. People do not pay any attention to all types of signs, bells, whistles, smash boards (the barricades that block railroad crossings), barrels, flashing signs, even flagmen waving and screaming at them would do any good?


We are really going off the railroad tracks on this one, but if I saw a home made sign like that I would remove it. There are standard for types of signs, colors, font size and type, etc. signs in a roadway that don’t meet the standards are not only worthless but can be a distraction.

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If I got hit by the grossing gate, I would like to sue you if I found out that you took the warning sign down.


When this reaches 200 posts will it automatically disappear?

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:pray: :crossed_fingers:

I’ll help it along but I’m having trouble taking some of you folks seriously today. But hey come on sue me for stealing your paper rr sign.

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sounds like you believe railroad crossings should have HOMEMADE signs

Get real :roll_eyes:


BTW, how much are to planning the property owner to display your sign?

IMO, anyone that can not stop their car in the time between the warning lights flashing and the arms coming down should not be driving.

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