Railroad lights

Crossbucks were all we had when I was a kid. Stop, look, and listen was the mantra.
Where I live, some crossings are getting arms that block both sides of the road and side walk in an attempt to block people driving around the gates.

Those were common in rural Colorado. Theyā€™d usually also paint a series of parallel lines in the middle, intended to prevent cows from getting hit by trains. The cows apparently thought the parallel lines were actual cattle guards.


So, the cows are smarter than people that ignore passive RR crossing safety devices?


Why do I not beleive that ?

I used to see those all the time, I usually saw them on freeway onramps.


Copy and pasted, I donā€™t have a clue what that big Ske word is or meansā€¦ :laughing:

Virtual. Painted lines on the road can serve as skeuomorphs of cattle grids. The light-dark pattern of lines on pavement resembles a true cattle grid to animals, and by association think they will not be able to cross .

Cattle grid - Wikipedia.

Yes I know I could google itā€¦

If deer can read crossing signs, Iā€™d think cows can read yield signs too.


Must work. Iā€™ve never seen cows in the freeway.

On the highway though. When I called it in, the patrol wanted to know if they were brown or black. Pretty dark so couldnā€™t tell. Spose he knew where they cane from. If you hit one, I donā€™t think you get to keep it.

Roadkill ownership in Virginiaā€¦

The new law does not affect cows in Virginia of any color, but a bill that goes into effect July 1st changes who can claim a deer, bear, turkey or elk that appears to have been killed in a motor vehicle collision sailed out of the Virginia General Assembly and was signed by Governor Youngkin.

The bill is referred to as the Roadkill Bill, will allow any person to claim such an animal for eating or as a trophy at any time of the year starting on July 1.

The proposal will change the current law allowing only those who hit the animal with their vehicle from being able to claim the dead animal during hunting season.

So, the old advertisement slogan gets a new meaningā€¦ ā€œWhatā€™s for Dinner Mrs. Skinnerā€

I can see Mrs. Skinner out in the backyard now, butchering up a roadkill carcassā€¦


I hit one in South Dakota and the highway patrol put him out of his misery. The guy was a good shot but still had to hit him twice with his .38 or .45 whatever he had. Last thing I wanted to do was take it home.

From RR crossings to cows!


Claiming roadkill is fine by me. At least itā€™s going to a good use as food. It seems to me that this rule should apply all year and not just during the appropriate hunting season. The only reason I can see for allowing roadkill harvesting only during hunting season is to prevent cruising for deer and then shooting them after you hit them. It seems like car damage costs would far exceed the money saved by providing meat this way.

You wouldnā€™t be doing it in a Lexusā€¦ lol

A redneck will be out in his old hunting truck with a new HD front bumper and cow catcher on the front in that caseā€¦

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Why bother? If they live far enough out in the country, they can hunt anytime they want and for whatever they want. Even in less populated areas in Maryland some people hunt deer all year long.

You are the one that pointed out damaging your car, I was just saying that nobody will be out looking to hit deer and then shooting them (if that is a legal loophole) in a Lexus, or any other nice vehicleā€¦ If they do, then they are not nearly as smart as the southern rednecksā€¦ lol

Does anyone know if making a claim with auto insurance about a tree falling on my car will increase my premium ?

I seem to carry really bad luck.

It doesnā€™t hurt to just call your agent and ask. Likely considered an act of god. But it might be covered instead by homeowners insurance. And then if it was not your tree, it might not be covered by your insurance at all. Then if it was rotten and should have been taken down can change the liability. My trees wonā€™t hit anything but if my neighbors tree comes down, it will likely hit my house and my insurance would be liable. Just call your agent.

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If you have comprehensive coverage, your insurance should cover the damage caused by a tree, branch, or limb falling on your car, minus your deductibleā€¦

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I have comprehensive but Iā€™m wondering if my premium will go up.

I was in the car when the tree branches fell on it. Iā€™m not sure if there is damage. Itā€™s really dark outside and itā€™s storming. But the impact from the tree branches was pronouncing. It fell like a rock hit the roof.