How do you locate and repair an electric window? The driver’s control operates the passenger window, but the passenger’s window does not respond to the window control on the passenger door. This vehicle has only two doors.
Did stop working all the sudden? Had it been acting up prior too? Activator on window motor may be sticking. Hold door button on position that you need to direct & slam door, see if will move it. My 92, 4 dr. has a lock system for rear windows. Does yours have a lock for passenger side? Or broken wire or some lost connection. Separate fuse?
Also, if passenger side switch went bad it would not alow drivers side to activate…
Thanks I will check that.
If the passenger side switch fails the master switch on the drivers side will continue to operate the window.
It is most likely that the switch on the passengers side has failed. Pull the switch out and check for power with a test light. The fact that it works from the drivers side tells me the motor is good and the wiring is intact.
~Dartman69 (logged out yet again!)
Another possible fault area is the wire harness in the door jamb. Somtimes wires break in the harness and the small harness needs to be replaced.
Most likely the passenger side switch. Take the switch out, check for 12 volts. If present, replace the switch.
You can buy switches on line. It’s amazing how much the dealer wants at the parts counter.
I have a 2000 cherokee 4 door and it is doing the same thing. The drivers door works all windows but they won’t work on the individual doors.