Covid-19 isn’t dead, but it is less of a problem than it had been, especially when compared to the war in Ukraine. I can only say that because the race to 1 million dead from Covid-19 has slowed dramatically all over the US in the past few weeks. Lots of vaccinations, better treatments once infected, and what appears to be a less virulent strain (omicron) led us to drop mask recommendations. In my case, requirements, since I had to wear a mask at work. I still do in the clean room, but that’s a different issue.
Baffling. Somebody has invaded another country, is threatening world peace, nuclear war, and you think it’s some kind of media conspiracy? Wow…
Crimea? Of course and other countries but actually the narrative is sounding like the early days of Viet Nam if you were around then. “We must stop this aggression” if it kills us. Would it have been so hard to say NATO is a mess and we don’t support them joining? Or don’t cripple our our energy production so that it is clear we couldn’t supplement Europe in a fight with Putin. Just asking to look behind the curtain. We’ve been fooled many times before by the cabal.
I remember you mentioning this before, but still want to ask to pray for you about that.
Now, for a little light hearted interjection - if a tornado hit Putin…and only Putin…I’d go out on a limb and say that was an act of God
Yes I know I should just shut up but while on the subject of homeland defense, Homeland Security issued recommendations for what to do in the event of a nuclear explosion. (Updated a little from the Army’s instructions in 1970.) Included wear a mask in the shelter and try to maintain 6 feet of distance from others. These are our unserious leaders.
Now Sweden has sent out their own instruction on what to do if invaded. In addition to their draft, every adult is expected to resist at all costs and is expected to be armed, passing out guns and ammo, and training. (You know like a citizen militia like the old days.) If over-run and the government surrenders, don’t believe it and continue to fight. That’s paraphrased but get the point. Ammo up, train, and fight.
Me thinks this Russia thing might be waking up quite a few countries that they better be ready to defend themselves and not count on a fickle US. Citizens of Minneapolis should be among the first since a lot of them are from Sweden and have already been attacked.
If I was ever in the military, I’d try to finagle a job fixing/maintaining those little jeeps. Seems like a pretty good post, away from front lines for the most part. I’d expect there’s a lot Russian soldiers in their military who would like that sort of job too for the same reason, so wondering why their equipment isn’t being properly maintained? Maybe there’s plenty of soldiers to do the work, but not enough parts?
I forget now but I think the ratio is something like 8 or 10 to one. Support staff versus line infantry. First thing people do when their assets become scarce is to cut maintenance and repairs. Or you shift it to more strategic units. Don’t make the mistake of thinking those folks aren’t tough based on what the went through in ww 2.
I don’t remember the question though.
How much is this costing the American taxpayer