Police would like a light bar atop the Camry instead of thexisting dash lights

@Marnet Posting logical suggestions to any thread started by Robert Gift is a waste of time. He seems to make ridiculous threads for his personal entertainment.

Thank you.

Police donated the light bars but I did the installations. When not in use I wanted to be able to easily remove the Expedition’s light bar to not be mistaken for law enforcement, save fuel and prevent stones damaging the lightbar.

Mounting hardware usually causes damage to the vehicle.
Not sure that anything is made for a Camry. They’d probably laugh “For a Camry?”
(Interior LED lights are very expen$ive.)
We are not paid for emergency transports. Only recently started being reimbursed.

Removable roof light bar


Nice! Thank you!
But those clips will damage the vehicle. (Looks like the donated Streethawks.)
Wonder if come-along straps through the closed doors would hold it securely?

I wouldn’t assume the clips will cause damage…