New Gas Saving Device

Was at Auto Zone today. They had this HUGH sign out front about a GREAT Fuel Saving device that’s guaranteed to save you gas. As I went inside they had a display with this simple Fuel Saving device…

A Tire Pressure gauge.

At last, one that can work.

But did they tell you how/where to use it and what it’s for? :stuck_out_tongue:
I’m not sure half the people on the road know how or even where to check their tire pressure.

I thought it was pretty cleaver. I chuckled when I saw what it was.

But did they tell you how/where to use it and what it’s for? :stuck_out_tongue:
I’m not sure half the people on the road know how or even where to check their tire pressure.

True…but it’s still far better then any Fuel Saving Device that keeps getting posted here…aka “Water for Gas”.

I have one taped to each plug and I now get 600% more fuel economy.

No, seriously though, I have one on a magnet on the inside of my gas door. I check the tires at each fuel up. I did test the gauge and it was 2 psi off, but I just have that written on a piece of tape on the back of the gauge, as long as it reads constant I can work with it.

Take that magnet and tape it to the fuel line (or is that the air cleaner) and you will get that 600% improvements with all those atoms lined up. Hey, put one on the air cleaner to and that would make it 36,000,000% improvement.

It is nice to see a company doing it’s part in promoting actual working devices like tire gauges.

Finally a serious post. too bad the gullible don’t apply this sort of logic to the other posts!

Remember When air was free

Great post and a pretty ingenious way of getting a point across!

Wonder how many of the water into gas crowd even owns or has considered financing a tire pressure gauge. :frowning:

It is also a great lifesaver. Tires are critical component.

I know how to make cabbage into gas :slight_smile:

A very good point. Wonder how many tires let go every year due to underinflation rubbing the sidewalls out?

It’s air for gas!