I need help identifying this vehicle. I think its probably a 90’s-00’s Jap/JDM. Ive had no luck trying to match the tail light shape or the spoiler after many many hours.
The car hit my partners parked car at night, she went out to see what happened and took the above picture before it drove off. She can’t remember any details of the car other than blue.
That could be any number of vehicles and if someone were to guess correctly it would be of no help. File a police report and politly canvass your neighbors to see if maybe their door camera caught a good picture of the vehicle.
Just follow the tire drag marks to the Tiburon owner’s home or a repair shop. That right rear is severely damaged and the car likely has not gone far without some tire skid marks on the ground.
I feel your pain and he good news is that during those years only about 25,000 Tibs were sold in the US during those years, assuming an equal distribution in the 50 States that means about 500 in a particular State. assuming 5 colors that means about 100 in your State and further assuming normal depletion of a 16 year old car you might be looking at 50 vehicles in your state, lower in your particular area.
The bad news is that registration information is generally not available to the public and the police are generally not willing to spend their time unless there was a personal injury.
Assuming a police report was filed and your State has an Uninsured Motorist Law/Fund you may be able to recover from them or you may be able to recover from your own Comprehensive/Collision policy.
However under NO circumstance should you try to play Detective/Policeman on your own!
You already know that the other driver has poor judgement, has committed a crime so this could easily result in much more serious problem.