Need help diagnosing swaying issue

In Nov of 2024 I bought a 2018 Ford fusion Titanium Hybrid from a car dealership in St Louis. That evening on the way there it started snowing. After buying the car as I got on the highway the readend began swaying left to right. Even tho it was snowing and the roads were real bad I could tell there was definitely something wrong with the car. Because I had yet to get insurance on the car I decided to park it at a gas station and come back for it once the roads were clear. I called the salesman immediately and told him something was seriously wrong with the car. He told me not to worry there was nothing wrong with the car and said it must have just been the roads and promised it would pass inspection. Once I came back to pick the car back to pick the car up, two days later, I immediately drove it to Dobbs and had them inspect it. Just as I had thought, they told me it failed the inspection because of one bad front tire and the sway bar right away bar link was broke. The dealership had me drop the car off and he took it to his shop and repaired not only the right sway bar link but also the left one. He put a set of two new tires on the front. Thinking the issue was resolved I took it for reinspection where they stated the links had not been replaced. All while the dealer was promising me they had. I decided to drop the car back to where I live, an hour and a half away, and have it looked at by a different company. They stated that the links had, in deed, been replaced however whoever replaced them didn’t tighten them down all the way so they went ahead and did so, free of charge. They gave me a quote for two new tires for the rear of the car that the dealership agreed to also pay for and I decided to take it to get inspected by a different inspector locally. It passed inspection. I have noticed that the car rides kinda rough. When the rear tires hit a bump at speeds over 30 mph the car jumps real fast from one side to the other like the rear end in gotta kick out from underneath me. Well he haven’t had any snow again until the last couple of days. When I went to town two days ago about 12 hour after the snowfall quit. The roads were still horrible. I was caught off guard when the car began swaying in the (swerving) rear REAL bad. I realized the this is the same feeling, only intensified, that I feel when it’s raining and the ground is wet. It literally shakes the whole car and it physically feels like the hops to one side or the other and then feels like it’s going to kick out from underneath itself and cause me to spin out of control. While the roads are dry, if I drive through a large puddle of water that’s coming from nearby melting snow piles, the whole car will begen swaying relentlessly until I get passed the puddle and it goes back to driving normal. The alignment is perfect on the car as it doesn’t pull, even the slightest, when I let go of the wheel while driving. Everything else is perfect on the car. I rides and drives like a brand new car until we hit water or snow on the roadways. I decided to pay for a Carfax which states the car has been in 2 minor accidents, the last one being over a year prior to the previous owner selling the car. I would had to have to sell it and take a loss on it as it’s a very nice car despite the issues I’m having. I’ve talked to a few mechanics/friends who are unable to give me any answers as to what else could be causing this issue. That is why I’m here. If anyone has any information they can share to help me properly diagnose is swaying issue, it would be super wonderful helpful and I would be greatly appreciated. I’m at my wits end and really need to get this resolved . I do not mind putting a little money into this car to have it operate properly, I just need to first be able to figure out the real issue causing the problem. I would greatly appreciate anyone who has any idea what the problem is.

First, check all the tire pressures. Do it yourself - don’t rely on others as you want to be sure. The proper pressure is listed on the doorframe in a yellow sticker.

Next get the alignment checked. Even though the car isn’t pulling, it could be that the alignment settings are compensating for each other. It is jumping around which points to an alignment issue. Get the before and after sheet. Ask the alignment shop to give it to you BEFORE they do the alignment. That way they’ll know you are serious about this.

And 3rd: Let us know what the results are.


Owned used car for 4 months. Sell it.

That should have been the first clue that this dealer does not know what they are doing.

You really only have 2 choices - 1. Just replace this thing because you might never be happy with this vehicle 2. Find an independent shop that can actually solve the swaying and it might be expensive

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Two new tires are always mounted on the back of the vehicle.


My gut feeling is you basically got a dud

You’ve got to stop the bleeding and get out of that situation, even if you take a minor loss

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My 1st thought also, you probably have a bent suspension part or bent frame, the alignment check should show either if out more than can be adjusted… I would of liked to have seen the tire wear that come off the car… My guess, you have a toe link bent…

I’m sure if the alignment was perfect and the car drove like a new car, you would not be asking what you are asking…

Exactly what tires do you have? On top of the other issues, it sounds like your tires have poor wet and snow traction, so I’m wondering if the dealer put on super-cheap tires because it was at their expense.

Too long to read but first I would have a four wheel alignment done to make sure the axles are not skewed etc. then tires, struts etc as needed. Might have been in an accident with a bent frame.

One of the worst fish tail situations I had was my trailer loaded too light on the tongue. 30 mph max till the next town where I bought a couple bags of salt for ballast. Just saying that a skewed rear axle can have the same effect.

I had a 67 Buick wagon that I bought cheap for building our house that was absolute murder on ice. I suspected the guy that had it locked the rear end with a welder or the posi traction was bad. Never found out but kept it off the highway
As much as possible.

Does the hybrid have spec’d tires or are they non ev spec?
I replaced 1 tire on my Prius and person who inspected it at lease end said it was not matching but he didn’t care.

First thing I would do is try to return the car, fwiw