On my 2014 Ford Taurus, I finally changed out my inner and outer tie rods on both sides of my car.
After changing the rods, I went and got two used tires as both barely had any thread left. Since I got that new tire my car has been acting funny.
It’s hard to explain but the car acts like its swaying back and forth. It’s like the passenger-side tire has a mind of its own and shifts the entire car based on whatever imperfection is on the road.
I have had the car aligned recently and had the driver-side tire changed after the mechanic said the tire had shifted before they did the alignment.
Even after all this however, the car stilll won’t stay squarely on the road or in other terms, stay in the lane.
Any clue what this may be? I have already tried the following:
Alignment (As stated earlier)
Did the bounce test and visibly checked my struts (Nothing out of the ordinary)
Did the 12 o’clock and 6 o’clock/10 o’clock and 3 o’clock test (again nothing out of the ordinary besides a light groan but I think its just with the age of the car)
The driver side tire was changed (as stated earlier)
I plopped on the spare tire and lo’ and behold, the same issue happened but it was worse.
I recommend that you get the car up on a lift in order to see whether the rear anti-sway bar (and/or sway bar links) is broken.
A friend of mine had these exact symptoms on his Ford Explorer, and he did as I suggested. It turned out that the sway bar links had snapped, and until he replaced them, that Explorer was downright scary if it hit any road imperfections at highway speeds.
You put used tires on it and your mechanic said one was bad, then you replaced it?? With another used tire?? And since you put that “new” tire on your car has been acting funny?? Then you put your spare tire on and it made it worse??
I would buy new tires… not used… I’m not saying all used tires are bad, but all used tires are used for a reason… you have no history on used tires and they can be damaged…
Guess I wasn’t specific. The tire that was replaced was the driver side tire not the passenger-side tire. That tire apparently shifted and needed to be replaced FOR them to do the alignment. I had it changed and they then did the alignment. However even after the alignment the issue still stands.
I would assume it’s not the tire as even on the spare it was causing the same issue. I would LOVE new tires but right now I just gotta roll with the used for now. I’m kinda trying to rule out anything else before I go down that lane.
Tie rods changed. Alignment is good? I’d say issue is tire related.
So, car drove ok with loose steering and worn tires?
Guess folks get used to things.
I absolutely hate admitting that I’m wrong but I’d be damned. Yep, I swapped the tires and now it’s pulling on the driver side and it changed the I direction it sways.
Looks like I’m getting new tires. Thanks
That does leave me to wonder, why is the spare tire doing the same thing though? It has the required PSI weird
Well I’ll agree it’s probably bad tires but don’t assume the alignment shop did a good job or caught everything. Some years ago now I had mine aligned. Still didn’t like the handling so took it to the old guy I used 50 years before with all mechanical equipment. Found my engine cradle was about to fall off.
There’s many possible causes. I’d guess the 3 most liklely (in no particular order)
tire problem
steering system problem , anywhere from the steering column to the steering knuckles. Pay particular attention to the steering box, esp it is firmly bolted to where it should.
toe-in not set properly.
Assuming prior work b4 new symptoms only to front wheels, not rear. Best of luck.
Jesus I don’t know what’s with the passive aggressive tone I’m getting here, I’m simply trying to get my car back on the road…FOLKS gotta understand that not eveyone has the bucks to just throw at new tires and or run to a mechanic whenever a problem arrises. If that were the case I wouldn’t be here looking for advice.
Anyways that didn’t fix the issue, for giggles I got another used tire and replaced the “defective” one and the problem still happens but now less noticable. I will bring it to a mechanic to diag it further before I throw more money at it.
I appreciate the ones who actually gave some helpful suggestions.
I think that’s just a matter of your perception. I haven’t seen any “passive aggressiveness” in the posts.
I’m wondering whether or not you noticed the very early post by @VDCdriver about the sway bar hardware. If there was an obvious problem there, I’d think that any good alignment shop would notice (although I don’t think those components cause an issue on an alignment rack, but I’m not a pro).
In any case…have you been able to get eyes on your sway bar and end links?
“Knucklehead” is George’s signature, he includes that in every reply.
On the topic of “sway bar”, I have driven customers vehicles with the stabilizer bar disconnected, no “sway” while driving straight, some sway while turning but manageable.
My definition of sway might be different from yours, I think your difficulty is with wandering steering, vehicle won’t stay on a straight heading without correcting the steering input. When the alignment toe setting is set correctly, any imperfections in the steering or tires will be more noticeable.
A better description of the problem is needed. Could be a problem with the tires, tire pressure or excessive play in the steering or rack and pinion.
George will be back tomorrow; he is eager to learn how to repair your car, if you have the patience to teach him.
A nice new pair of cheap Crosswinds on the same axle would be better than two different (in any definition of the word different - worn and new, different brands, etc) tires on the same axle.
When I replaced struts, I had to cut off the links. Then ordered new ones but took it to the shop for alignment with the links missing. No problem with alignment without them and really didn’t notice much handling difference but took it easy until I put new links on.
Yes, always eager to learn. This site is definitely an important educational tool for diy’ers. . Speaking of which, OP, have your tried the forum search feature? Link upper right this page.
Please keep us informed of the ultimate outcome. Hope your decision for new tires will pan out.