My license plates over the years

You need to know how to play the game. My neighbor called the county to complain about the dead and low hanging branches of the trees that line our street. She was told that they would get around to it eventually. She said that was no problem, she would just trim her tree. They told her she wasn’t allowed and within two weeks the county sent out a contractor to trim all the trees on our street and remove a couple of dead ones.

I don’t call anyone, I just trim it. I remove small, low hanging branches that interfere with walking on the sidewalk or hit the lawn mowing guys in the face as they drive under the tree. The Tree Police have no idea that i did this and couldn’t since they are only here every ten years or so.

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In NH, all of the registration and safety/emission stickers have the same color for a given year. So the tags on your license plate, window sticker, boat, ATV etc are all the same color for that year and it changes each year. That makes it relatively easy to spot without having to run tag numbers. The safety/emission sticker also has the vehicle VIN shown on it and is placed in close proximity to the VIN plate. When I skipped testing for more than a year during the pandemic, a local cop pulled me over to remind me to get it done. He spotted the sticker color rather easily as I drove by, no sophisticated electronics required :wink:

I had to laugh when I saw the reference to the color of the various registration, inspection, year stickers, etc… and it brought back some funny memories of years gone by…

I was a young sergeant in the Air Force and I was home on leave (“furlough” for you really old timers…). I was outside chatting with some friends when a younger brother (I have four brothers…) pulls into the driveway, with a New York State Trooper in tow… I recognized the trooper, he was an old family friend…

But he was not here to see me. He was making sure my brother got home… It turns out the my brother did not have the money to register, inspect, or insure his car but needed it for work…

The license plate year sticker was made out of construction paper and scotch taped on but the weather faded the numbers and that was what gave my brother’s antics away and the Trooper notice the faded plate sticker…

We walked up to the driver’s side windshield and there are two homemade, construction paper, versions of a state inspection and state registration sticker…

My brother was lucky, the Trooper was a family friend and made my brother take the plates off his car and the Trooper took them, folded them in half until they broke and he tossed them on the ground and he told my brother that if he caught my brother doing that again, he’d be tossing my brother in jail…

I took my brother down and paid for 3-month’s insurance, got his car registered and inspected and he promised he would pay me back with interest…

I kept the stickers to rub his nose in it and I am still waiting for most of the money, let alone the interest…


Just go to . One method they have to look up your vehicle is by State and License Plate #. That is all public knowledge.

That is until you need it. Wi sent me new plates as mne must have been too old. Not updated on line, cannot verify at DMV. Called local PD, asked if they could verify new license plate and car. NO GO!

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Never had any plates sent to me but a,ways just get them from dmv when getting tabs. That’s when they enter the plates and bar code info into the vehicle record. Your results may vary.

Are you concerned the license plates sent to you without your request are some sort of scam?

If he is in Wisconsin, the plates stay with the person not the car. So you can use any of your plates on any car. No scam unless someone at the state pen was stamping some extra ones out. When I bought a car in Wisconsin, the guy asked me to please send his plates back when I registered the car. Seemed a little strange but hey, they like blue cheese too.

In TN, you just keep your old tags and the new owner gets his/her own 15 or 30 day temp (drive out) tags and then the real tags once registered…

Yes am in WI, Note with the plates in the mail please verify plates match the vehicle, no instructions how to do that. Notice on renewal was you will be issued new plates, so no scam. Even came with stickers though wife got a sticker after emissions check and paid yearly fee for the old Plates renewal.

That is to ensure you install the license plates on the correct vehicle, some people have more than one vehicle. The vehicle description, VIN and license plate number are on the registration slip.

Old plates and vin were on the registration slip. New plates came 2 weeks later.

License plate reissuance in Wisconsin occurs after ten years. Expiration stickers must be applied to the correct license plates when they arrive.

New registration slip was not included with the plates?
Me thinks it is time to make an appointment with your DMV.

I think I entered before you, I dodged the draft by enlisting in the AF.
Furlough likely went out of use with brown shoes.

My draft number was in the low 300’s, so there was no draft for me…. But I enlisted in the Air Force in '71 and served over 30-years. So, as for me in my mid '70s, I used the word, “Leave” which was the accepted term for vacation back then… The reference was for the really, really old folks. I was also thinking of the old movie from the late '50s, “No Time for Sergeants” staring Andy Griffith and other fun movies like that one…

69 for me, they had a delayed enlistment program. You took the oath then reported for training at a later date. The day after I took my oath, at age 18, got my draft notice!

When I lived in WI, I liked a number of their approaches to vehicle registration and plates.

First, as mentioned, their proactive replacement after elapsed time or when the fundamental design changes. No kowtowing to special interests bemoaning the change, just do it. Around here there is an almost fanatical desire to retain these old plates even if they cannot be read anymore. A couple years back they announced the older plates would no longer be valid and replaced. A big uproar from the vocal minority and they backed down.

I like the plates stay with the person, not the car. I used to take advantage of their collector plates and had my own collector number. All my plates had the same number with a different suffix. Easy to remember. And kind of cool to have XXXXX-H :wink:

Emissions testing run by the state- not sure if still like that but no conflict of interest that way. Around here, the for-profit garage inspects your vehicle. I have been lucky to find a great place to go but went through a number of less desirable establishments in the search…

Emission testing is no longer done by the state. It is done by service places that wish to participate, and you can buy the sticker there.

Well I was number 5 and my BIL was # 1. But he was deaf in one ear so not draftable. I was lucky to get in to a reserve unit. Yeah 1970 was a beast. Barely got home after graduating and had a notice to take a draft physical. Then a week later took the same for reserves. They said whoever gets me first. Big turnover in the unit July 1. Had orders for the unit to go to nam but then Nixon canceled them. I don’t regret any of it but the uncertainty impacted my career.