My license plates over the years

In Florida we have more than 100 plate choices, extra cost for non-standard plates.

Same in NH, MA and NY. You can get new tags if you want. When NH and NY offered new style plates everyone had to switch over next time they registered their car though.

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Minnesota just started a new historical plate. Black plate white letters, like the old Iowa plate. Who knows how many different plates they have now?

Opposite of the whisky plate! White with black letters and starts with a W. DUI offender I was told by a bud.

Heh heh. I donā€™t remember what they are in Minnesota. Same color but a code prefix. My boss went blind but in the process managed to destroy his fender and tail light housings on his caddy before he couldnā€™t drive anymore. Co worker bought it and got me to repair it. I had to drive it down to the guy that did the pin stripping. Then I saw the plates. Never got stopped though. I know he didnā€™t get a dui so I think it was for restricted driving or something.