Loud dustsucking/whining noise from rear?

Hey! My mum recently bought a Mk7.5 (2017) VW Golf Variant 1.6TDi DSG7 Highline.

She´s happy with it, but… Whenever she starts the car there´s a loud but dampen noise coming from the rear. Like someone is dustsucking next to you while you have headphones on. It doesn´t get louder if you drive faster or if you increase the revs. It´s just there.

Anyone knows what this is? If you need more info, let me know!

What she might be hearing is the secondary air injection pump.

This electric fan injects air into the exhaust system to light off the catalytic converter quicker.

So, if this pump is making noise, it may be being transferred into the exhaust system.


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Ahh! I´ve also seen replies that the fuel pump might be broken… How do I know exactly where the noise is coming from?

Welcome to the forum…

I hate to be so blunt, but if you are asking that question then I recommend taking the vehicle to a local trusted shop for inspection…

Otherwise you listen for the noise until you find it… Once you get close there are tools that will/can help…

Mechanics stethoscope, or a rubber hose…


I already did, but they arent so uhm… technical here in Spain. “I cant hear it, bye”… If its the fuel pump we need to get it fixed under warranty, but i need to make sure before it’s too late. Appreciate the reply though!

Is this a diesel engine? Turbo? A length of old garden hose (used as a sort of stethoscope) can sometimes be useful to help pinpoint the location on the car a sound is coming from.

If it’s under warranty, then take it in for service… and if they find nothing, make sure they document that in case it rears it ugly head again after the warranty has run out… Then you can take it back as they should have fixed it in the first place…


Yeah, sounds like the best option. Thanks!

It´s a diesel and a turbo. The sound is coming from under the car, close to the middle. Exactly where the fuel pump is located I think…

Dustsucker? That’s as bad a being a bush whacker. According to Yosemite Sam.

Haha, i meant vacuum cleaner. Couldn´t remember the name of it… :stuck_out_tongue:

No problem. English, or more narrowly American, is your second (or third or fourth…) language. We can’t expect you to know all the terms we use.

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It´s my second:)

Pfffttttt, It’s my 1st language (and the only one I know) and I still mess it up all the time… :rofl:

hahah, my first language is also hard for the natives :rofl:

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