Like symbol

We need a thumbs down symbol as well for spammers and shills.


+1, that would be an excellent addition

Nope, just flag them. Click on the ā€˜ā€¦ā€™, then the flag.


Absolutely not. Every discussion site thatā€™s tried such a scheme has devolved into ā€œIā€™m going to thumbs-down you because I disagree with you.ā€ It gets especially insidious on the sites where the downvotes influence post visibility, because then if you donā€™t happen to agree with the hive mind, you canā€™t be heard.

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So youā€™re the guy that flagged me? It used to be you could see who did the flagging but not anymore. OK, flag but let me see who. I dunno, I guess Iā€™m silent on the thumbs up and down issue. I think if someone has an issue, they should simply post what and why instead of using a thumbs down.

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I would vote against the thumbs down button. When we had the last system I had one person hitting the off topic button whether I was off topic or not.

Well, I guess the majority have spoken, I also did not see how to flag something. I hate symbols substituting for words. I donā€™t mean the thumbs up, that one has been around a lot longer than I have. But three dots ? Nothing intuitive about that.