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It is difficult to get information on car (truck) systems that is clear and informative. When I come across a source, I like to share it. Here is an excellent article on fuel trim. It’s page 1 & page 3: http://www…llsmfg.pdf (You can click on it.)

Interesting read . . . thanks Kit! Rocketman

Good post in case anyone missed it.

Nice link. Thanks.

How about a “Advanced ignition system diagnosis” site? This section is missing from my 98 C/K FSM set. There is a note in my 98 U-Van FSM set that sections may be missing due to FSM format revision.
Perhaps a single car AllData sub.?
Thank you for the fuel trim link.
Do you think its of value to get the companys newsletter?
I like the format that motors magazine tech articles are presented

FOUND another good source of information—theory and practical. Try the MOTOR magazine articles where you can go back several years: