I have a jeep Cherokee which needs Immo off done. Sent to viretronics and they read the eprom data. Who can help with virgin or Immo file
In English, please… no Jeep Speak,
Are you trying to turn off your immobilizer? Immo means nothing to me nor does viretronics.
I assume he is trying to disable the immobilizer/PATS/SKIM system in his Jeep, most likely because he does not have any keys which are programmed to it, or perhaps the system malfunctioned. I cannot think of any way to do this, unless you can find an identical model with the same engine and transmission which does not contain an immobilizer/PATS/SKIM. In that case, you could remove the PATS/SKIM module and swap the PCM and BCM from the donor vehicle, which would then delete the feature, and allow a non-chipped key to start the engine.
The only drawback of doing this is that when you go for emissions testing, the test station will pull up the VIN of the junkyard car, which is electronically stored in the PCM. In some states, this cannot be overriden, although here in AZ they scan the VIN tag on the driver’s door or driver’s dash, and that takes precedence over whatever is read from the PCM.
Viretronics is a UK company, Virgin is UK, my guess original poster is in the UK.
Poster may need to have his Jeep towed to a Jeep dealership.
This^^^ +1
Info in that file might could be used to steal a Jeep, so it is likely kept under high levels of secrecy, seems unlikely to be able to find any legally published info.