Is Honda lying? says transmission recall not covered

What was the mileage interval between ATF changes? If the ATF was replaced, did they use Honda ATF?


The newest Odysseys have less visibility. The newer smaller cars have TERRIBLE visibility. I don’t like relying on cameras

Honda2076 - You really need to be more open minded . Backup Cameras - Blind spot warning plus the other features that an up to date vehicle will have just makes sense .

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Additionally, I really like my vehicle’s Digital Rear View Mirror. It provides me with an unobstructed, relatively wide-angle view to the rear, and it provides that view with incredibly sharp images. When my brother drove my vehicle, he was particularly impressed by that “mirror”.

Sure, if you have poor eyesight. I don’t.

There is nothing wrong with my vision .

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You can see through the rear hatch? Backup cameras are for ground level visibility and you just can’t do that in any minivan or other vehicle for that matter. I have to back out uphill to get out of my driveway and the backup camera is invaluable for seeing the driveway across the street and provides an unobstructed view of the driveway behind me. I drive a sedan, btw.

The original rationale for the backup camera requirement was to prevent running over small kids and animals that might be lurking low, behind the vehicle, in a position where they weren’t readily visible. Most backup cameras actually show you the area below the rear bumper, in addition to a wider view.

A couple of years ago, my landscaper left some of his tools in the area where I back out of the garage. Without the backup camera, I would likely have driven over those tools, causing damage to my tires and/or the exhaust pipe.

The other thing is the current safety seat designs make it near impossible to turn around and look behind you. Without the back up camera on my Pontiac, I have lost the ability to back the trailer up. Can’t see the dang thing.

I too used to be in the “I don’t need a backup camera” camp.

Having had several vehicles now WITH backup cameras… I can honestly say it’s better to have them than not.

Ego tends to get in the way of progress sometimes.


Additionally, some people seem to have a hard time adapting to changes of any type.

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Even with a backup camera, I’ve gotten in the habit of walking around the back of my car in the garage instead of heading straight for the driver’s door. Very occasionally something unexpected has been lying in the driveway (most often a package from a particularly poor delivery subcontractor in my area).

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I went to a great driving school and that was the first thing he taught me (my dad - he was a combat veteran!). I still do it every time.

Waking around the back of a vehicle is good practice . But those short people ( kids that can’t be seen ) can travel so fast it is scary. That is why Backup Camera’s are mandated now.

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Are they mandated on all vehicles? I was researching the 2023 Prius and the rear camera was listed as an option.

You must have been looking at info from a foreign source. Since the 2018 model year, all new passenger vehicles sold in the US must come equipped with a backup camera.

Are backup cameras required on new vehicles? |

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I was looking at Thanks for the links and info.


I was in Japan for a several month business trip. My rental was my first experience with the backup camera. At first I thought it was useless but then decided to try backing into parking spaces at the hotel. It was very useful for that and I’ve been a fan since.

Backup camera is standard . What you think was an option most likely was the panoramic cameras that show all around the vehicle and that is an option.


Thank your dad. I always kind of shudder when I learn someone was in combat that I had no idea of. I’m in the legion too but no one usually says much. They like to forget.

Getting close to Memorial Day and the Emmy,ou Harris song play the drum slowly, was a tribute to her dad who was a flyer shot down in Korea. The one with the Arlington procession is deep.