I'm losing it

I have a 2000 Honda Civic manual LX. I was told the ignition cylinder was bad. My key kept getting stuck and not coming out. So I replaced the entire unit in hopes that it would fix the issue. It did not. I was then told the problem was electrical, and that the previous owner had messed around with the wiring harness and I have no clue what he has done to it, the clutch start is bypassed, the shifter interlock mechanism is bad (so far what I’m being told is the issue with the key not coming out, but yet finding no solutions to it) I’m just very stuck and lost on what the issue is. Is it the shifter interlock mechanism? Is it the entire harness. Because the ignition switch worked completely fine before installing it into my car, so I’m guessing it has to be the shifter interlock mechanism but I just cannot find anything on how to fix said issue.

Unless I am 1/2 asleep (which I am) or missing something here (wouldn’t be the 1st time), you have a standard/manual transaxle, NOT an automatic transaxle right??

A manual has the no start switch for the clutch that the clutch pedal (arm) hits when fully depressed in order to start the car, but an automatic has a shifter lock in the gear shifter assembly to allow you to move the shifter lever out of park with your foot on the brake pedal…

I think you may have installed a lock cylinder for an automatic transmission somehow instead of one for a manual transmission, or at some point the prior owner for whatever reason installed a used automatic column into your manual vehicle and then did something to make it work somehow… I do not have either side by side to know if that is even possible… lol

But you should not have both a clutch switch and a shifter lock…

Go back and make sure you bought a standard/manual ignition lock cylinder and not a automatic ignition lock cylinder…

Here is a manual one:

Here is one for an automatic:


A lot of bad wording on my part, I’m still new to working on cars and figuring out what’s what. But now I’m very confused, both ignition switches I have (the previous one and new one) look like the automatic one, I also have inside the car the ignition harness for an automatic car(I had all of the connectors and plugs) now I’m even more lost, and what I had meant by start switch with the clutch is, that you don’t need to push down on the clutch to turn the car on. You can just turn the key without the clutch being engaged

You may need to take this to a Honda dealer or Honda specialist shop, you need a Honda guru that can tell what column and or what ever the prior owner did or had done as a possible hack job… I do not know without a crap ton of research what all the differences are… I think you maybe in over your head on this one…

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That is normal, you should be able to turn the key to acc or even run without touching any pedal, you only need to depress the clutch pedal or override switch to start the vehicle…

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I fear you might be right, I have a mechanic that my family knows and trusts coming to look and diagnose the car. Hopefully it’s not as bad as I think it is. I appreciate the help


Have you tried wiggling the steering wheel back and forth while attempting to remove the key?


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Yes, didn’t make a difference unfortunately