It would almost be better to buy a $1500 beater outright, versus financing a car from a “buy here pay here” lot
$1500 isn’t much, and you would own the car free and clear, allowing you to buy the cheapest insurance, which is not possible when you’re financing or leasing a vehicle
I said “almost” because a $1500 car might be fairly reliable, or it might need repairs that far exceed the purchase price. You really have to know what you’re doing
'‘the car’s only worth . . .’'
STOP that.
you’re not trying to sell it . . . you’re trying to KEEP it !
plus. . . if you really don’t need it to remain showroom new ?
what Bill Russell said.
Just fix it good enough to be serviceable.
Pound out the dent , fit the tail lamp in there good ( you may need to re-imagine and self adapt the mounting bolts ) so that all the lamps function , maybe a little touch up paint.
. . and the car can be fully functional heretofore . ( just not pretty )
Nina, there used to be a joke around these parts . .’’ Why are all the low-riders primer grey ?
. . same color as duct tape ! ‘’
Clarification: He’s trying to get out of a loan shark deal by having the car totaled if the damage is bad enough. Insurance would pay the value of the car and the gap policy would pay off the loan sharks. So he’s not trying to get the car fixed, he’s trying to get it totaled out. I can’t say I blame him for trying to get out of a bad deal creatively.