I have a Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra without a 3.5mm jack. How do I play music from it on my 2011 RAV4 Limited? The car has bluetooth that I have paired with my phone but it only connects for calls, not music.
I have looked into bluetooth adapaters but from what I understand, the sound quality will not be great w/o a wired connection from the adapter to the phone.
I will be thankful for any advice on setting up music from my phone to the car.
If you want to stick with a wired connection, they make adapters that give you a headphone jack. This article (from a web site that I follow regularly) lists a number of them:
As for the Bluetooth adapter, you might not even notice a quality difference in a noisy listening environment like that. Even if you do, most people would feel the convenience outweighs a minor quality difference.
Are you able to transfer the music files from the phone to a USB memory stick using a desktop computer, then play the music from that on your car? If so, might be the easiest solution to hi fidelity sound.
The solution turned out to be quite simple. A USB-C (to the phone) to 3.5 mm jack connector (to the Aux port in the car) did the trick. I bought it for 15 bucks from Auto Trader and am sure one can find cheaper elsewhere.