How Do I fix my Car?

It Cranks but doesn’t Start. If i do get it started it dies after about 5 or so minutes. It has fuel pressure. Has no Spark. There’s no crank Signal on the computer. There’s also no codes For diagnostics. How do I fix the Problem?

"Has no Spark. There’s no crank Signal on the computer. There’s also no codes For diagnostics.

Well that’s nothing if not confusing. If you know that you have no spark and no crank signal what would you need the diagnostic codes for? (How do you know this about the spark and crank signal, anyway?) This seems to pretty clearly be the problem. You need to do some electrical testing to figure out why you have no crank signal. Is it a power supply problem? A signal return problem? If not, perhaps you need a new crank sensor - you can test it as well. If you want a list of diagnostic steps you can try an repair guide for the vehicle ($20 at an auto parts store).

Thanx For the advice. I’ll do exactly what you said.