Here's what Your Culture of Speed Gets You

You seriously just called Rainflurry a Flow Control Valve???



I can’t wait for Volvo’s timeout to be over

I’m sure he would have had a few appropriate comments on this particular subject😊


My guess, they are just posting under a different handle


I don’t think so

Volvo’s style is very distinctive


Wasn’t their catch phrase “methinks”? Very unusual. Is anyone else here using that phrase recently?


Yikes. I was actually on your side for a bit of this thread. Now I understand why you take so much heat here. No reasonable person reads those posts and thinks “Yeah, Chris makes sense.” It wouldn’t hurt to find some more challenge and adventure in your life.

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Care to expand on that?

I already spoon-fed several of you my views of “Karen-ism”.

Did he get timed out for a post in this thread?

I think he got timed out weeks before this thread even started . . . ?

I hope he didn’t get a permanent “time out” like I did on ToyotaNation. It seems the children there don’t like being called out on their B.S.

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Some weeks ago, I wanted to send him a private message and it said he was “timed out” until a certain date, so it doesn’t seem to be permanent

I seem to recall that his time-out ends sometime in January.

Some people just like arguing on the internet, but now you’re just baiting people once the driving stuff got tired this time around. Can you please rein it in? Thanks.


Here is what is has said for a while now on Mr Volvos home page (whatever you call it lol)

This user is suspended until Jan 1, 2025 7:00 am.
Reason: Too combative

Last Post
Nov 6

Last Seen
Nov 6

And tomorrow Ms Carolyn’s job gets harder again

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As long as you’re in the right lane I don’t care. But if you’re in any other lane I hope you eventually get rear ended so you stop that stupid behavior.

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I’m pretty sure that Chris has always said that he stays in the far right lane if at all possible
 So NO worries there

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For those wanting the Reader’s Digest version of this discussion:

“Is too!”
“Is not!”
“Is too!”
“Is not!”
“Is too!”
“Is not!”
“Is too!”
“Is not!”
“Is too!”
“Is not!”
“Is too!”
“Is not!”


I know you are but what am I?


I intend to warmly welcome Volvo back

I’ve missed his presence

That was NOT a joke, btw

I honestly appreciate his feedback


Obeying the law = “stupid behavior”

You heard it here, first!